New to the club

  • Hi Everyone,

    I chose this part of the message board. I figured it fit me to a T. Stay at home mom for 7 years and counting. I have 4 children. I have just gone back to school this year, still not sure what I want to be when I grow up LOL (I am 32). I am also a Partylite consultant.

    So life is a wirlwind in my house hold. I joined WW a few years ago with a friend, I did really well lost about 30#'s and then I stopped going. Hated paying those weekly fees. I thought why can't I just do this on my own. HAHA. I can support everyone in my life, I am a great motivator to all of them, but for myself I neglect. So here I sit at 295#'s. I can loose weight so much easier when I have a buddy doing it with me. My sister in law lives right across the street, she moved in back in April, so every Friday night is girls night! Oh my god! Doing girls night has packed on 30#'s on my butt! I am not thrilled with that. And she is more over weight than I am, and she has not controll over her eating, she just doesn't care. So that attitude over the summer time has rubbed off on me. But you know what I do care, about my weight and how much I am consuming. So I called it quits on the girls night, and will only be doing it one friday every other month. So here I am I am turning to this web sight for support and advice and a shoulder to whine on when I fall off the wagon. I have been to so many sites, like WW (but now you have to pay to use their sight) Rosie Odanald's Chub Club sight, no longer there because she quit the club. Hopefully this one will last.

    I have hit the point that I am tired of being fat, I don't feel atractive anymore etc..... So here I am with a clean slate starting on the 1st of November. Bring it on! I will conquer all my challenges.

    Okay now that I have written a novel, I am off to the airport to pick up my husband. I hope to chat with all of you soon.

  • Hi Kimberly! Welcome to 3FC's! This is a great place for the information and inspiration that you need to attack that weight loss game.

    I've been around here for a little over two years and it's the best place for advice and motivation.

    I too do WW. But I have never stopped going to meetings since I started. Not that I've been doing very well for the past year, but I know that if I give up the meetings I will certainly gain everything back. At least I have been maintaining for the last year.

    You really do have a "whirlwind" life going there. I have done the home marketing thing and it does take some organization to be successful at it. And with 4 kids, I'm sure that that's another busy schedule(s) to keep. How in the world did you have time to go back to school?

    I know you're not quite there, but I post regularly to a thread called "300+ And Ready To Try Again". We're an eclectic bunch, but we have a great time. There is plenty of friendship, advice and girls to whine with there. If you'd like to join us, you would be more than welcome. Most of us are of significant size and no the perils of being larger women and that comes with it. So if you need someone who understands and that you can commiserate with, by all means, stop by.

    Are you planning on going back to WW meetings on a regular basis or are you still going to try to do it on your own? Sometimes being accountable to that scale and sitting in a meeting with others is very motivating, especially if you have a good leader.

    Anyway, I've gone on and on here so I will let you go. Hope to see you around.