Time to do something for myself...lose it!

  • Hello there cyber-world!
    My story is probably a lot like others, but I still want to share it...I consider myself to be a young mom (does 26 still count as young in today's world?) with the world on her plate. I work full time and I'm back to school full time to pursue my dream of being a teacher (FYI, my first undergrad degree is in fine arts. Yup, a bit hard to raise a child, pay rent, and buy groceries with that background in this economy!) I have always struggled with body image issues and my weight. While I was pregnant with my son, I completely lost my mind and ate like crap everyday. Thankfully my poor diet did not affect my son, he's a beautiful brilliant little man of 20 months old now. Unfortunately, pregnancy wreaked havoc on my body. I feel as if it will never be the same, and probably won't be, but I need to start doing something for myself in this crazy life or I'm gonna crack.
  • Hi and welcome to 3FC.

    Good luck with your goals.

  • Welcome fellow NYer! Good luck and from one mom of a toddler to another: I know it's hard!! Don't give up!

    As a teacher myself I have to ask: where are you going to school?
  • Welcome to 3FC, we are glad you are here and know that you will find a lot of support here.
  • Quote: Welcome fellow NYer! Good luck and from one mom of a toddler to another: I know it's hard!! Don't give up!

    As a teacher myself I have to ask: where are you going to school?
    Thanks for the welcome!

    Having an active little person is great motivation to lose the weight and get healthier. I want to be able to run after my son and not poop out before he does!

    I'm attending SUNY Plattsburgh for my childhood ed degree. I had the opportunity to start a masters program at their branch campus in Queensbury, but I decided to stay in Plattsburgh to be closer to my family and have their support if I need it. Unfortunately I couldn't get into the masters in Plattsburgh (SUPER competitive), so I opted to just go for it and enroll in the undergrad program. But even with my previous degree it'll take me three years to finish it! And I'll still have to get my masters after that...but it's a means to an end!
  • Welcome and good luck!
