Anyone reach their goal weight using Meal Delivery Progras?

  • I'm currently on week 4 of Bistro MD's meal delivery program and am losing steadily. I've lurked quite a bit before joining and see lost of people who lose 15 or even 20 lbs the first month on Meal Delivery Programs (MDP) but then drop off. So....I was just wondering if anyone has been successful in reaching their "goal weight" by using MDP's.
  • The more important question is do they maintain their goal weight after stopping the meal delivery program. If you don't learn to select and prepare foods for a healthy lifestyle while you are losing, I doubt it.
  • The more important question is do they maintain their goal weight after stopping the meal delivery program.

    I guess that question could be asked of any nutritional program! I asked this question because the meal plan that I'm on now (Bistro MD) gives you soooo much delishous foods that it's hard to believe that you can lose weight on it.

    But no worries, I guess I'll have to use myself to answer my original question. So far 14 lbs in 4 weeks....45 lbs to goal! We'll just have to see if this diet delivery program can work to goal cuz I've made a 90 day committment and within that time, I plan to get down to 165. The last 15 lbs I'll take off myself (i.e. cooking low cal/low fat/low sodium meals).

    You see...I don't think the problem is "learning" how to cook this way....the problem for many is "making the time" to cook that way. With all the "free" healthy recipes out there on the net and low fat/sodium cook books out there...I find it hard to believe that one would not be "able" to cook quality low fat/cal meals! It's all about choices. With Bistro MD meals, I now see how to fill up my plate (and therefore my stomache) with the right balance of meals (prot/carb/fats). Until now, I've been an Atkins girl myself...and focused more on protein and fats and literally gave no regard to sodium!

    More later...