wth-Meat Binges?

  • I've been trying to commit to vegetarianism for about a month and a half now, my reasons are strictly ethical. I love animals, the meat industry is shameful, and I do not want to support something so ugly. For the past month and a half though, I have not been able to stick with my vegetarianism. Whenever I get too hungry, and there are no non-meat options, I just eat. Today, as I was going to go grocery shopping, I let myself get too hungry (i'm still eating all the calories I should, chillax) and had a TON of fried chicken. I was so embarrassed and filled with shame afterward, it is not something I want to do again. I know the easiest solution would just be to not get hungry, but I'm so busy sometimes- or just forget. I'm pretty broke too. I live with my parents who are omnivores, and I just don't have the money to always buy my own food (although that's soon to change, I have a job now!).

    I want to ask if anyone can relate with my problem of having difficulties with transitioning into vegetarianism. Does vegetarianism ever get easier? Am I just not mature enough? Is my love for animals not strong enough? Should I just forget it, and go back to my old omnivorous diet? Grr, I'm just very frustrated and dissapointed with myself.
  • I wouldn't say just forget it about it and I'm not sure why you are turning to meat. I will say I had some difficulty with certain things when I went vegan because I have food issues in general. Who cares if a certain thing has eggs in it (like cookies) if I lose control? Although I never lost control with meat but that is because I lost all interest in meat when I went vegan.

    I wouldn't say give up, I think maybe try to see if you can keep better options around, keep something like a Luna bar with you to help you not get too hungry. Make sure you are eating a well rounded diet overall. Sometimes we lose all sense when we binge, but that doesn't mean we can't get better and control/lessen binges. It also doesn't mean that you should give up on vegetarianism.
  • I'm 33 and have been a lacto-ovo vegetarian since I was 16, and I do think it gets easier. For a few years after I made the switch, I craved steak occasionally, and cooked chicken smelled really good to me for a long time... but I don't think I've had a craving for any kind of meat in at least 10 years.

    I think you have to get to a point where you don't recognize it as food. The area where I live is not at all vegetarian-friendly, and people often seem to feel sorry for me at restaurants. What they don't understand is that when I read the menu, I see not food, not food, not food, salad, not food, not food, pasta, not food, not food...

    Good luck with your transition!
  • I think it gets easier. But you don't have to give it up all of a sudden. A lot of people make the change gradually. Focus on plant based meals and serve meat just a couple of times a week - and then as a smaller side dish and not the main entree. Gradually work it out of your diet. You'll probably find that you aren't missing it anymore.
  • You know it is not about how hungry you are or the money you have, there are always alternatives, like soup and salads and egg/cheese sandwiches. You've to set or mind on why you're really doing this. Said that, don't you give up! It's not easy to change an whole lifestyle that quickly when everyone around eats meat and you've learned all your life that's how things are... When I decided to stop eating animals I hated veggies, beans, tofu, seitan, soy... But that changed within months... The first phase can be really hard on you. But yes, it gets easier, you get'll used to it as your body and mind will. So, next time don't give yourself to meat or fish, remember yourself that you're a vegetarian and what you are craving is a loving creature whose life should meant more than providing you a nice tasting moment and when you're eating it, your body is absorving all the pain he had to go through to get into your plate. Say to yourself, to your mind and body that it's unacceptable to do that, just eat another thing!
    It's just like SoDakChick said, my body doesnt even answer to the stimulus of meat/fish... But if I see a vegetarian dish, i automatically start salivating. Now i would never trade tofu, seitan, beans, soy, etc for anything else =D
  • I just wanted to thank everyone for the encouragement and helpful advice. I haven't had meat since that day! (which coincidentally was when my TOM started). I'm starting to notice some patterns with my meat binges, and am trying my best to up my protein and calories during my TOM.. so far everything has been awesome though!