Stuck. Need help moving forward.

  • I really need a new or renewed plan of attack....

    Since about the beginning of August, I have really found it difficult to hit the weight loss groove. I'm basically maintaining, bouncing around between 187 and 189.... I moved to a new city and started a new job about a month ago, and I'm having a much harder time now that my routine is so completely different.

    I am no longer losing weight, and I'm afraid that if I stay on the path I'm on, I may start to gain...

    What I'm doing right:

    Over the course of the year+ that I've been working on weight loss, I've got my core group of foods and I've been pretty good at sticking to them.

    What I'm doing wrong:

    1. Not working out consistently... I had a VERY CONSISTENT gym routine before moving. Now, I'm working a different schedule and I haven't picked a time that seems to really work-- consequence: skipped workouts.

    2. Not tracking my food. I've always been really good about tracking what I eat on fitday, but recently, I've been kind of haphazard. I toted up the tally today and realized I had eaten 1900 calories. I have to stay at 1200 to lose, even slowly.

    3. Some bad habits creeping in. I've never been an after dinner snacker, but lately, my mom has been staying with me. She grazes and I have been grazing a little bit too. So far, I'm picking things like carrot sticks, but the last few days it's been higher calorie stuff like a handful of almonds. Also, my mom has been buying skinny cow ice cream sandwiches, and I've gotten in the habit of eating one every single night after dinner-- I think one now and again is okay, but it's getting to be a bad habit.

    I'm still a little less than fifteen pounds from goal, and really I think my goal is high. I REALLY want to get the rest of the weight off!!!!!!!

    I KNEW that it would probably be hard for me to stick to my plan while going through such a huge life transition as moving myself and family and starting a new job.

    I'm still TERRIFIED that I'll get completely off track, and so far that is not happening. I'm down a pound or two since the move. I'm not gaining.

    But I'm not getting anywhere-- I'm not losing weight and my fitness is not up to where it was this summer.

    I could really use some good old 3FC encouragement. I want to get my mind back to focus on getting off the rest of the weight FOR GOOD.
  • Hi -

    I just wanted to say good luck, that you can do it! I know how you feel. I was doing well for 12 weeks, and then a few things sidetracked me and now, 14 weeks later, I'm up 4 pounds.

    But you can do this! you have lost an amazing amount of weight, and it is a great accomplishment. Think of it as practicing maintenance, you are getting a taste of what it will be like once you reach goal..

  • It sounds like you have your head on straight and know exactly what you need to do! Now, the hard part!

    I dunno if this applies to you at all, but since we are the same weight, maybe... For me, it seems like the urgency factor is gone. I mean, at 185ish, I can fit anywhere, do pretty much what I want, look decent, fit in clothes, don't stand out because of my weight, and have no major health issues. Do you think you are feeling something similar? I mean, it's like I know the rest of the weight has to come off but being 185 is not THAT bad!

    Whatever it is that is keeping you from giving 100%, I have NO doubt you will figure it out and conquer it! You are awesome
  • Yes, even without the major life transitions, this would have been a difficult weight/time for you: as Lyn says, the urgency has gone somewhat.

    Only ~ I know you know it hasn't, and I read that in the careful way you've listed all the things you used to do/do now. You don't need anything radically new, you just ("just"! ha!) need to go back to doing those 3 things that you did for your 105 loss.

    Please, don't be me. I got to 106 off, 16 to goal and stopped doing exactly those things you're mentioning. It wasn't because of a life change, it was because I let things slide: clothes - check; health - check; general happiness with life - check. So a little off-plan eating here and there wouldn't hurt..... result: 2009 saw me having regained 89lbs and basically having to do it all again. I lost 48lbs. Then I had a life-transition and May 2010, when I woke back up again, saw me having regained 38lbs, and doing it all again.

    Please, don't be me, it's a joy-killer!

    Maybe pick one area to re-invigorate. If it were me, it would be the calorie counting and logging. It starts a bit tedious but soon becomes addictive, as you know. And once you start seeing the numbers build up, it will stop you having the casual graze, and it will make you keener to log exercise calories. For me, once you've established control, even if it's not total yet, it is a real mental boost that helps you keep and stay focussed.

  • Uber, you can do this! Moving is a huge change, you know what you did to get this far, start working to get back where you were.

    As much as we want it to be, this process isn't always a straight forward progression, no matter how much we want to be!

    You can do this!!!
  • Uber, you CAN do this.
    I think Lyn is right about part of the problem being that the weight loss is not so urgent now. I'm now about 11lbs from a healthy BMI, the top end of the range, and I am determined to get there, but life lately just seems so different for me and the urgency is gone. I weigh less now than I have in at least 11 years, possibly more but I can't remember the exact figures from back then. I'm wearing a UK12 in clothes which was an impossible dream when I first started this journey and I feel fabulous in them (although in my head I still feel bigger, and I have a lot of loose saggy skin). I can run for 45mins non-stop, workout like a demon and withstand PT sessions that would have killed me on a year ago. My confidence is sky high and I have people telling me on a daily basis that I look fabulous and don't need to lose anymore weight.
    So you see the problem? What difference is losing another 11lbs going to make? Well, for me I'm hoping that it will help get rid of some of the still slightly wobbly bits, and with the PT sessions etc help me to tone up some of the loose skin.
    But the main thing for me is that I WANT TO FINISH WHAT I STARTED. Way back 14 months ago tomorrow I just wanted to feel a little less pain on a daily basis, I just wanted to hate myself a little less, I planned on trying to lose 10lbs and rethink after that. I never dreamed I'd be here now...
    And I want to finish what I started. Back then 145 seemed totally impossible but now it's so close, I want to prove to myself I can do anything I set out to do, even if when I start it's just a dream. I want to get to maintenance and know that I'm where I dreamed I might be, not almost there. One step I've taken to help me in the last push is to sign up for these PT sessions. It's reignited my fire for exercise and is making me push myself that much harder.
    You can do the same Uber, you can finish the job, I know you can because you've proved it all along the way by being such an inspiration to me, you just have to refocus and decide how you're going to go about it.
    If you want a final push buddy just let me know, we can fight for those last lbs together.
  • I know I fear exactly what Lyn mentions when I'm finally down around where you guys are. But certainly your move and new everything complicates your situation.

    Start tracking now. It's easy, it's free, you can do it every day with no excuses. And if you are tracking you know you'll treat that evening grazing a bit differently.

    Even if you aren't losing right now then you are maintaining and this is a good time to hone those all important maintenance skills. Losing is really only half the battle (maybe only a small battle in the greater war) because maintaining is just as hard and it lasts forever. Maintain with a vengence till you figure out the gym thing. You're in La-La Land - there must be a gym on every corner and half of them open 24 hours a day. Maybe you and mom can go together!
  • Uber- You can do this. Everyone hits a few bumps every now and again. I would start by fixing the easy things. If you know the skinny cow's are a problem, get rid of them or ask mom to join you in a better snack. Maybe some SF jello- only 10 calories? I myself am a former grazer. It's a hard habit to break. I just drink a flavored water like metro-mint everytime I get the urge to snack. After I finish the water the urge is usually gone. Good Luck on getting back on track. Hope this helped a little.
  • Uber - I am right there with you. I was talking to a friend about this yesterday. I've been in the 186-189 range for a month or two now (I'm 5'7") and this month will be the first month I haven't lost weight since I began my journey a year ago. I have a lot of life stuff going on, like Uber, but I really think the major factor is the complacency Lyn mentioned.

    At 250ish, I was undeniably fat. I had trouble doing the things I loved and I would just die a little inside when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

    Now, I look relatively normal, can fit in normal sized clothes, can do the things I love, and in a room full of women, I sorta fit right in size wise. And, I'm far enough away from 200, that even on a bad day fully clothed, I won't see that number on a scale.

    A few weeks back, I began to realize that it looked like I'd have to cut my calories to continue to lose weight. (I've lost slowly but surely on 1700 calories a day - zig zagging from 1200-2000 but maintaining that 1700 average.) I'm not thrilled at all about having to cut back - I LOVE eating 1700 calories a day - and my complacency combined with that knowledge bumped my eating up instead of down (hey, I'm not losing anyway, may as well have that extra x). I had way too many 2000 calorie days and nary a 1200 calorie day in sight for weeks. And now, the scale is telling me that I've gained a pound - and the numbers (I track my food and wear a GWF) are telling me that I really have gained a pound.

    So this thread came at a PERFECT time for me. Yesterday was my "screw my head back on right" day. I had a 1200 calorie day and plan another today as the first steps on resetting my daily average down to 1500 a day. While I am MUCH happier at this weight than at 250ish, I'm not content to stay here. I'm not at all sure where my goal weight will be - somewhere between 145 and 165 - but I still have at least another 20 pounds to go.

    So, Uber . . . let's do it!!
  • Thinking it over, you ladies have probably hit the nail on the head.

    It's true that weight loss seems less urgent now. The weight I am now is not much higher than the weight my body settled at when I was younger, before I got morbidly obese. I CAN do most of the things I couldn't do before-- shop in normal stores, wear high heels, walk forever without tiring, climb lots of flights of stairs. Heck, given that I used to have trouble getting up off the sofa and I was known to crack toilet seats, my new life is pretty darn good. And also, since I've moved, people don't know the old fat me, and they see me as the way I am now, which I'm sure they see as "normal."

    On the plus side, I have so far declined to participate in an ice cream social (organized on my behalf) a pizza party at work, a special breakfast social.... so I've set the ground rules in the office that I'm one of those annoying ladies who constantly watch their weight.

    In reflecting, I think a large part of my issue is THE GYM. I just feel different when I'm working out a lot, and even if the difference isn't reflected on the scale, I still have that fit feeling-- it inspires and helps keep me on track.

    So, here is my pledge:

    Track calories CAREFULLY every day. Go back to weigh and measure for a while.

    Stop eating almonds. I normally avoid them because I tend to overeat them, but I've been following my mom's lead and eating a handful here and there.

    No more Skinny Cows. The last thing I need is to program myself to expect a treat.

    Watch the fruit. Yesterday I ate THREE bananas. YIKES.

    Figure out a workout schedule and stick to it like GLUE... set some fitness goals. Starting working toward that 5K that I never did do.

    Rosinante, thanks for your words of caution. I will think of you as I redouble my efforts. You are truly inspiring.

    Lyn, I always LOVE hearing from you-- we are similar in our journeys.

    Thanks Volleyball and BethC it really does help to remind myself how far I've come. It's surprisingly easy to forget.

    LM, I was reading your recent thread about what you have achieved in fitness and I was just SO INSPIRED. I would LOVE to buddy up to share our successes. Just reading your post made me know that I REALLY MISS the gym and need to get back there.
  • I finally just broke my horrid plateau and the problem was ME. I dropped the calories significantly just by cutting out chocolate chips and almonds. No big deal! I need far fewer calories now than I did when I was losing before, and that sucks! But my body was quite clearly telling me my calories in matched my calories out. I have a tendency to forget that it's more about diet than exercise and that I can not sufficiently exercise off the calories I consume and that calories add up quickly!

    That's been my experience. I've lost three pounds this week!! I know YOU know how huge that is! I tried for weeks to jump start the calorie drop and I just couldn't say no to my chocolate chips. Then I got too busy even for chocolate chips (and let me tell you, THAT'S busy) and the three day cleansing period flew by and I realized just this morning that the cravings are gone, gone, gone. I'm back to this being easy and the weight's coming off.

    I find that I just have to commit to three days of hardship and then it's back to smooth sailing. Can you commit to three days of being totally and perfectly on plan?

    And get back to the gym, Uber!! I know you love it! And I know you know why you do it. It's because of the steps you mentioned you can climb and the "forever walking" you get to do. That's not about the weight loss at all!! It just feels good! I don't know how you're surviving the stress without it, I really don't it. I get sluggish when I don't get my workouts in.