Saying Hi

  • Just wanted to pop in, I have been lurking for a while. I haven't posted much at all.
    I never had a weight problem growing up although I was always told I did. I married young and had my first baby and gained 72 lbs. Pitiful huh? I never lost all that weight. I managed to gain a ton more weight with my next 3 babies.
    So, here I sit, with my oldest turning 21 in a week and still carrying baby weight. I think it is a little late to call it baby weight! lol

    So, I am motivated and trying to do it right and could use all the support I can get.
  • Hi Jill, I have 2 kids. I gained about 70 lbs during my first pregnancy, and now just had my second baby 8 months ago and gained about 60 lbs in that pregnancy. I now sit upon my heaviest weight ever. You are not alone and will have an excellent outcome, one day at a time
  • Well you'll find it in spades here, Jill! It's easy to become motivated when you read about the success of others, and there's support EVERYWHERE!
  • Hi Jilly Im new but I have a good feeling about this being the best support system...good luck!!
  • Jilly to 3FC!
    Hugs and support on your weight loss journey
  • Hi and welcome to 3FC.

    Good luck with your goals.

  • Thanks for all the welcomes and support ladies! I appreciate it.
  • Welcome and good luck!
