Quick Hello from a Newbie...

  • Hi everyone. I'm new to the forums - I love this web site and thought it was time I officially joined. I'm 28 and live on the east coast of Canada. I'm on a weight loss journey and am finally at a point where I feel committed to making it happen. I'm about 5'9" and was 200 lbs at my heaviest. I am currently 184.6 lbs and looking to drop another 20 or 25. I love how you guys set goals for yourselves and support one another so I thought this would be a great place to be.
    Have a great week everybody
  • I will definitely join the challenge - I don't see it up yet and from what I've read, I see that you set monthly goals for yourselves. Anything else I need to know about the challenges?
    When were you at St FX? Beautiful campus there - most of my really good pals went to X...