Suggestion on this transition I am going through

  • Ok, everyone will have to totally ignore my nerdiness. I love crunching numbers and problem solving.

    I am trying to figure out what my problem is. I have been doing really well and now it seems I have hit a brick wall. I am still 100% on plan with my foods. I am still exercising every day. I average 45 minutes to 1 hour working out daily. I don't think the answer is increasing my workout time.

    Last month my Endo lowered my thyroid meds. It wasn't much. The change is only on the Saturday and Sunday meds. I am scheduled for a re-check next month. I am going to assume, for now, that my dosage is correct. If it isn't, I will deal with that next month.

    I am aware as I lose weight, I might have to lower my calories some. Basically, as the body gets smaller it doesn't need as much energy to fuel itself. It's not carrying around as much weight.

    I'm thinking I need to cut my calories some. Although, I don't see how I could go from losing 7.8 pounds, 6.8 pounds, and 8.4 pounds a month to nothing. I would think I would drop down to maybe 5 pounds a month loss not 0. Here is a guide for calorie ranges:

    My exercise has also stayed the same thoughout the time frame I am giving, 45 minutes to 1 hour daily.

    Here are my stats:

    June Daily Calorie Average 1850 Weight loss for the month 7.8 pounds

    July Daily Calorie Average 1815 Weight Loss for the month 6.8 pounds

    August Daily Calorie Average 1700 Weight Loss for the month 8.4 pounds

    September Daily Calorie Average (so far) 1720 Weight loss (so far) 0 pounds

    My weight right now is about 201.

    Any suggestions?
  • I would say, keep with 1700 cals for at least another 2 weeks. It could be that your body is just in a temporary stall and about to drop.

    Did you have any "big" days where you ate significantly more than your target? My experience was that a "big" day would stall my weight loss for about 4 days, even if I was right on plan again. If you've had some high cal days in there, try to even things out more and not go so high.

    Good luck! And remember, observations do not always allow predictions.
  • JayEll Hi, and thanks for your reply. The only significant things that have happend is the change in thyroid meds last month, at the beginning of Sept. I had a weird allergic reaction to something and had facial swelling and body swelling, that was followed by TTOM. TTOM is going on right now.
  • I would take those cals down by 100.

    I'd also increase my exercise. Either the time that you're doing it, the intensity or both.

    I would also right this second add in muscle training. First of all you want to lose fat, not muscle. And secondly, the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn doing everything (or nothing, like sleeping).

    With a little tweak here and there, and a bit of patience, I'm sure that scale will be headed downward once again.
  • First thought: Sometimes the tiniest tweaks have the biggest results. If you aren't strength training add it quick and don't worry about anything else. It's easiest if you modify one variable at a time. That way you'll know what is having the desired effect. And anywhooooo there are 2 more weeks in September (anything could happen!).

    Second thought: At 201 with 60 min of exercise a day it is quite possible that you need all 1700 calories to function at your optimum capacity. GOOD LUCK!
  • Rockinrobin Thank you for your reply.

    Quote: I would take those cals down by 100.
    I will look at my foods and make a change there.

    Quote: I'd also increase my exercise. Either the time that you're doing it, the intensity or both.
    I am doing a Turbo Fire rotation. Turbo Fire is pretty intense. I went back to look at my schedule and the last 3 weeks I was in the HIIT portion of the rotation. On the HIIT days we also do sculpting/toning. The HIIT workouts are normally shorter cardio segments but they are more intense. This has been going on for the last 3 weeks. Throughout my weight loss my cardio workouts have been longer. I wonder if this is one of my problems?
  • sal27253 Thank you for your reply. I do light toning workouts. Nothing heavy because I have a neck issue. I think I am going to try to cut my calories by 100. Maybe the allergic reaction earlier in the month was part of my issue. Hopefully I can start losing again. If not, I plan to maintain until my Endo appointment in Oct. Maybe it's a thyroid situation. So many variable.
  • If you know you're doing what you need to do and it's been working, just wait it out. Twice I have had months where I only lost 1 lb. I think our body just gets busy making some adjustments and/or retains a little extra while it's doing it.
  • Quote: If you know you're doing what you need to do and it's been working, just wait it out. Twice I have had months where I only lost 1 lb. I think our body just gets busy making some adjustments and/or retains a little extra while it's doing it.
    Thank you for your reply.

    Yes, what I have been doing has been working. I'm almost embarrassed to say this, but it's actually been quite easy, so far. It's like the food I have been eating has been exactly what my body needs and my exercise has also been exactly what my body needs. It's like I have found a perfect combination, until now.
  • Stay strong, Diana! You'll get it figured out.
  • Quote: Stay strong, Diana! You'll get it figured out.
    Vixsin Thank you so much. I have come to far to mess up now. I will keep working at it.