Monday Chat - September 6

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  • It's getting harder and harder to be witty first thing in the morning so I'm giving alliteration a bit of a rest.

    Had a lovely relaxing day yesterday although the dog walk was a bust. We were down the road for two minutes when the heavens opened. Disney sure walked properly going home - she hates rain! It was certainly cool and a big pot of soup became the afternoon project. I even gave the dogs some as part of their supper.

    Today should be peaceful as very few people know I'm back. I will go over to the Mill to pick up my mail and say goodbye to the summer students before they go back to college. It will be a relief just to have the curator and his assistant to deal with. Scheduling six students as guides in the mill seven days a week was tricky, especially when I needed to keep the hours identical for each.

    Friend Ernie is coming over for coffee this morning to discuss some of his campaign issues. I think he's nuts to even think of running for Township Council and have already told him so. It will either be an interesting morning or a bore.

    So....time for eggs and another coffee. I hope your last day of this last holiday weekend is fun and relatively labour-free.
  • Good morning and Happy Labor Day!

    I was never good at illiteration and agree to give it a rest. My mind isn't as sharp as it used to be first thing in the morning.

    We're having a big family BBQ today, and I want to get the house tidied up before everyone gets here. I made the salads yesterday, but still have to make the crock of baked beans. It seems everyone likes my beans the best and always expect me to make them.
    It's a bit chilly here and I know I won't be getting into the pool, but the grandkids seem to be oblivious to the freezing water and will probably want to get in for one more romp before Jake closes the pool for the winter.

    Have a happy holiday!
  • Good Morning Ladies

    I've been up sorting through recipes...I asked Mom to bring her recipe box for me to look through for the family cookbook project and she brought a big box which contains every recipe she's torn from a magazine for 50 years co-mingled with my Grandmothers handwritten recipe cards. Oh my! is all I can say right now.

    I am going to go to my water yoga class which is starting back up after a 2 month break. We were going to make jam today, but I think the recipe mess has moved up on the list.

    Happy holiday everyone!
  • Just got home from the gym and I'm getting ready to hop in the bed. I've got friends that are in town from Iowa and I'm supposed to go over to a BBQ at their place today. Not sure what time it's going to start, but I'm thinking it's time for me to get a little sleep.

    The weekend never did slow down. Fires, stabbings, gunshots, fatality accidents, fights, drive-by shootings, name it, we had it. Such is life, I guess...but why all in 1 weekend??? LOL

    Anywho, I'm gonna grab some ZZZZZZs before I get woken up for the BBQ. Hope you all have a safe and happy Labor Day!!!
  • Oh, and Ruth, I am sooooooooooo craving a nice big bowl of homemade vegetable soup. A little okra, some butter beans, green beans, carrots, peas, and so on...yum!!!
  • Good morning I took advantage of my last lazy day for awhile and went back to sleep. Now it's coffee time.
    I have the same problem in the morning and end up recycling names. It's hard to be creative before coffee

    Ruth - Enjoy the quiet until word gets out that you're home

    Cottage - baked beans, I've been thinking about winter food and all things beany and crockpotable are on my list (for some reason spell check thinks I'm making up words this morning )
    DD was always the same way with water - in the ocean Memorial Day at the Cape and as late in the season as we would allow.

    Debbie - I really am envious of your recipe project. My Italian grandmother and aunts never wrote a recipe down. I think my Mom has one and I have one and there are no others. I'm just as bad, I rarely use recipes and when I do I modify them so much they aren't recognizable.

    Natasha - wow, wild weekend! I hope you're able to get some sleep in before the barbecue.

    It's another day working through the To Do list. I've actually been making really good progress so far. Today is all about getting a handle on work. I"m making my work plan from now until the election, updating the data base, setting up my brand new work laptop, and transcribing some notes (sometimes even I can't read my writing!). I hope that when it's done I'll stop waking up in the middle of the night stressing about things I need to do.

    Fun plans include trying that new apple recipe Debbie posted and walking up the mtn to visit with hawk watching friends. For now though it's time for another cup of coffee
  • Good morning all!

    My plans so far sound just like yesterday - bike, and hopefully do a bit of college application work with my teen. (He managed to get a whole half hour done yesterday - progress!) No BBQs planned, which is a good thing, since they usually are way too food tempting for me. I am going to see if I can finish Geneen Roths' book today; I am not very into it but want to see what I am missing. Then I can move on to some of the fiction stacked up and waiting for me.

    Kierie - I have not tried that and should. Claritin does nothing for me. I was horrible last night and decided that maybe it was so bad because my son had done yard work all day then sat in "my" chair before I did. Hmm.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Good Morning ladies! Its been the most gorgeous weekend! Our reunion was a hige success although I am pretty sure that there wasn't more than 5 sober people in the entire place. But it was a blast! Now back to the grind with the diet! I stuck with it the entire weekend with the exception of 1 pretzel stick in the chocolate fountain, and of course all the alcohol. I am planning on NOT drinking anymore until we go on vacation at the end of the month!

    Its a gorgeous sunny 66 right now and I am on the back deck enjoying it with my first cup of chilly morning coffee with pumpkin pie spice...mmmm (And seems I'm mosquito free this morning! Big yeay!) Today I will be working in the garden and hopefully we'll get to the park or do something nice outdoors, maybe play some tennis since its so nice out!

    Ruth- I guess not being an early bird has its advantages- plus its a MONDAY morning! lol

    Cottage- I love swimming but unless its scorching outside I can't get into a cold pool! Hope you guys have a nice BBQ! Sounds like fun!

    Debbie- Oh my! That sounds like not much fun I am sure it will be interesting to go through all the recipes but you sure have your hands full!!!

    Natasha- Enjoy your BBQ today!

    Cyndi- I would be waking up in the middle of the night and my eye would be twitching... I don't know why thats started for me but now anytime I am stressed it twitches... DH always makes the joke if I am talking to her and it starts I just walk away... lol Enjoy hawk watching! Sounds fun- and that fresh mountain air sounds fab!

    Karen- Good Morning!

    Well, time to go poke around here and see what I have been missing!
    Have a great day everyone!
  • Hello!

    I'm winding up the long weekend at my mom's. We got a lot of things done in the house and around the yard, it was great weather for working outdoors yesterday. We took a great hike/long walk through the woods, too. It was so nice to walk in cooler weather.

    I'd hoped to get some kayaking in this weekend but it's been so windy that we haven't gone out. I may go alone later this afternoon, though, I hate to miss the chance. I'm more comfortable in the water than my mom or DH so I don't mind the whitecaps, and I wear a life jacket, so what's the worst that could happen? I love Autumn, but I hate the thought of putting the kayaks away for the winter. In a perfect world I'd be able to kayak right up until it's time to get the snowshoes out. LOL

    Enjoy your Monday friends!
  • A late drive-by here . . . new job at until 1 p.m. keeps me glued to my task, no time for anything--not even my morning pot o' tea! I'll get used to it, and the getting up early part at some point.

    In the meantime: am working on water this week and exercise. And, after my second batch, some tweaking, and some sauces, I finally understand the "crack" part of crack slaw. But we've just decided to call it "chinese tacos" because that's what we've been doing with it. And I could eat it every day.

    Have a lovely holiday!

  • Good Morning Ladies!

    I also have a four day weekend! I love being away from the office for this long!
    The weather is cooling here in Denver, a high of 75 today!

    I got in some exercise this weekend...finally! On Saturday I took my bike a local bike path around a lake and yesterday we went for a really nice hike up in the mountains outside of Golden. It felt good to get outside and get moving, especially since the summer is nearing its end.

    Today I am going to work on our house a little more and enjoy my new guilty pleasure: The Real Housewives of New Jersey!

    Have a nice day everyone!
  • I need prayers for my decision to move out sooner rather than later. My home life is intolerable and it's best for me to leave. Day 2 has been easier than day 1. I have high hopes this time! Thanks to Debbie for dusting me off after a swift kick in the rear.
  • Obsessed: I have been in your shoes and know it is a difficult place to be. I wish you the strength to do what you need to do to be happy and good job staying on track. It is hard to be so devoted when you are under such stress.
  • FoodO, good luck. I too have been there. I think making the decision is the hardest part. The rest is just follow-through. (No, it's not easy, but at that point you're moving forward and getting on with life.)
  • Blessings Lindsay0614 and honeysox! I feel good about this decision, now if only the universe aligns, lol!