Butt, Glutes, Bottom, Backside

  • LOL. Whatever you choose to call it. Can we talk about butts? I know you can't decide which area of your body you'll lose weight, but I'm curious. I have wide hips so I would really like for my butt to look bodacious (instead of flat)! Are squats and lunges really the key to a nice, firm butt that sits up high? What exercises are you ladies doing for the butt area? And what kind of results are you seeing?
  • In a word - yes! Squats and lunges are the key!

    I basically, even when obese, never had a butt. My butt was so flat pants would literally fall off of it, because it did not stick out enough to hold them up. So I started a butt-building campaign.

    I now have a nice, round, high butt entirely made of muscle. Squats, split squats, one-legged-squats, walking lunges, pendulum lunges, and a good amount of hamstring work (deadlifts, etc) all helped me form this butt of mine.
  • Yeah, I second Mandalinn! I've always had a pretty big butt, but I'm definitely taking it from flabby to firm. I love the squats, etc, everything she mentioned, but I also love incline walking! Uphill hiking, or if you just have access to a treadmill you can walk a pretty reasonable pace but amp up the incline and it's a total butt-buster! If you're really looking for a challenge, you can walk backwards up the hill or on the treadmill and that blasts your thighs and butt too, it always feels great when I do that one. Have fun with it!
  • Make sure your form is good on squats. Great for beginners (or people who have never mastered proper form...that would be me) are box/bench squats. Also it seems like you have to get your thighs really close to parallel to really hit the glutes...if you don't go low enough it seems like you are working a lot of quads. Same thing with lunges...get at least parallel to the ground. Also, straight leg deadlifts are amazing.
  • Ditto what everyone is saying! I attend an all womans gym and they kill us with squats and all types of workouts that benefit our bodies!! Good luck you can build a butt!
  • This is my problem to... so
    How many , can some one give as a routine to follow and how long is going to take to see some improvement.

  • Thanks for all the responses. I'm on a butt-building mission! I killed it with squats and lunges today. I know I'm going to be super sore tomorrow. What about stairs? Does climbing stairs help any?
  • I can vouch for squats, lunges and deadlifts helping! They are apart of my routine in the first stage of NRoL4W. I always thought my butt would just be flat forever, but now it's getting nice, round and shapely. I thought it was like boobs, something you just couldn't change without surgery haha.
  • I don't think anyone mentionned lunges and squats ... Yep they work very well ....

    Stair climbing is very good too or you can do step ups on a higher step or bench...

    Running has helped my butt and legs a lot too...