Setting progress goals

  • I am just starting over for the millionth time, but this time I intend to keep at it until I reach my target weight. I know I will do a lot better if I stick with a specific plan, and set some minigoals.
    The plan I am choosing is CAD - it's the only diet I've ever done where I've lost weight without feeling completely miserable and deprived. In the past I stopped the diet because I wasn't organised with having the right foods available, and began to cheat, but I plan to keep myself motivated this time.

    Starting from 87kg, I am setting the following minigoals:
    • lose 2kg (85kg)
    • get below 80kg (79.9kg)
    • lose 10% of weight (78.3kg)
    • lose 15% of weight (73.9kg)
    • lose 20% of weight (70kg)
    Anything beyond that is a huge bonus, I can set more goals if I want to continue at that point.
    I am also setting non-weight minigoals:
    • My wedding and engagement rings fitting again
    • Being complimented by a friend - "have you lost weight? you look great!"
    • A couple of items of clothing that I still wear but that are uncomfortable - return to being a good fit
    • Seeing a change in my photos
    • Seeing a change in the mirror
    I have no idea where each non-weight goal will slot in weight-wise, in fact I'm not sure what order they will come in either - should be interesting.
    Anyway, I will update regularly about my progress.

    Thanks for reading this far...

  • Hey Rachel:

    I have a question--what's the CAD plan? I'm not "up" on all the terminology, so forgive me if that's a silly question. Sounds like you have some very reasonable and attainable goals and some good motivation, so best wishes to you on this journey!!
  • I have no idea what CAD plan is either.

    Good luck with your goals
  • Sorry - Carb Addicts Diet.

    I actually have an older book, not the lifestyle plan, but it worked for me in the past, so I'm not too worried about it being out of date.

    Thanks for the encouragement.
