getting started in the morning

  • Hi there, well I went for my consultation tonight and starting the IP in the morning....I can't wait to get started, I’m really stoked about this. I’m very confident that this is it this time.
  • Hi and welcome to 3FC.

    Good luck with your goals.

  • Wow, we're weight loss twins! same start, same goal and same height.

    But, aside from that welcome and I'm glad you're excited. It's fantastic to start a new journey like the one you're about to begin.
  • Welcome and good luck!! I hope you find this forum as helpful as I have!!
  • Welcome and good luck!

  • Thanks everyone...Tummy Girl, yes, same start and same end (hope)....did you lose all the weight on IP? how long did it take?
  • Hello and welcome to 3FC. Good luck to you in your journey and in reaching all your goals.