Rough days

  • I have been working on losing weight for one month, as of yesterday. For whatever reason, on the 10th (two days before the 1 month mark) I decided to indulge a little. Except it wasn't a little, it ended up lasting through the 10th and the 11th. I ate fattier foods than usually, lots of salt, sugar, pop, and almost no water. Oh, and I did not exercise at all, not one little bit! I don't know if it was an unconscious type of self sabotage since the one month mark was approaching, or if it was just because this stuff was in the house (husband bought a bunch of crap), or what, but I pretty much went all out with the unhealthiness. It's weird, since I started changing the way I eat (low-fat, very little sugar, unprocessed), I haven't really had the urge to eat the foods I used to love, and I haven't had the uncontrollable cravings for sugar. As soon as I put that stuff in my body again, those ridiculous cravings were back. Does eating that kind of stuff (sugar, fat) make you want to eat more of the same?

    Anyway, I pulled my head out of my butt yesterday morning when I woke up and was too afraid to step on the scale. I drank tons of water, ate what has now become my usual fare (veggies, fruits, low fat stuff that I cook myself), didn't touch any junk, and exercised. Today I woke up feeling 100% better, and stepped on the scale to find that my 2 day binge only did .8 lbs of damage, which may actually still be excess water, so I'm not going to freak out. What I am going to do is use this as a learning experience so that next time I can avoid an occurrence like this.

    On a side note, my husband came home from work the other night, looked at me and said "Wow, you really do look thinner." He rarely makes unsolicited comments about my appearance, so that alone floored me. I know that my stomach already looks different, but he also said my chest (like by my collar bones) and my face (score!) look thinner, so that is awesome. I will definitely celebrate that one, and my 16 lb loss in one month...well, one month and a day!
  • Wow, sounds like you did all the right things--okay, you ate off-plan, but you didn't STAY off-plan, and you drank extra water and got right back into your good habits. And it sounds like you've been considering why and how all of it happened.

    So I say congratulations for handling that very well!! And how wonderful to receive unsolicited comments from loved ones!! Keep on going--you're doing GREAT!
  • Good job on getting back on track! It doesn't sound like you did too much damage. About the cravings question, I find that if I indulge I definitely crave more of the same sweet stuff and it can really throw me off. It probably just reminds my body of my poorer eating habits.
  • 16 Lbs loss is awesome!!! There will always be bumpy road on this and glad that you are in back in action..Good for you!!
  • You might have had a little bit of a misstep, but that happens sometimes with everything we do in life. GREAT JOB realizing it and turning right back around and getting back on plan. That right there is a real accomplishment, you should be very proud of yourself !!!!!!