Derek from San Antonio

  • Hi, my name is Derek and I'm 26 from San Antonio, TX.

    In over a year I've lost about 100 pounds through sheer determination, patience and hard work. I'm still not where I want to be but I like the results so far.

  • Welcome! Congratulations on the 100lbs lost. You look amazing!
  • Hi Derek and welcome to 3FC.

    Congrats on your success and good luck with your goals.

  • Thanks!
  • Wow..I always think its crazy how you actually are a whole different person on pictures! Gratzs on your weightloss! Tell me your secrets! :P I wanna lose around 100lbs aswell..on 25lbs so far.. but however.. You loook AMAZING!
  • Kudos to you! The results are looking amazing! Can't wait to see the "finished product"
  • Hello Derek,

    As someone old enough to be your Mother,I want to say you look great in both pictures. Now I am curious as to what was the trigger that moved you to the 100 pound loss? What you did is amazing-please give us your tips.

    Wishing you continued success with all things in your life. Welcome!
  • Hi Derek! Congraulations on your 100 Lbs loss!! Amazing!! Good luck with your continue efforts!!
  • Welcome and good luck!

  • Welcome Derek to 3FC, we are glad you are here!
  • Hello and welcome to 3FC. Congratulations on your accomplishments and success. Good luck to you in your journey and in reaching all your goals.