Update long overdue

  • Hello ladies!

    Well I thought I would drop by to say hi. Noticed a couple new people.
    All I can say is that I reached my original goal of 200, set a new one and reached that one too. This diet works to loose the weight but keep it off as well.

    I havent been following any meal plans for 2 months but just the general guidelines and I am stable. Not gaining not loosing. Im telling you everyone, this is the best diet out there.

    So as for an update from me here's the long story short.
    January I broke up with my 4 year long relationship BF and started dating this scotish guy. Went to see him in march (if you remember) and everything was peachy. Thought it was the love of my life.
    It wasnt. He was suposed to come to canada on June 14. June 8 he chickened out. He says he regrets it but the bottomline is we will never be together.

    I got sick. Real sick. had panick attacks and had to be hopsitalize for weeks. He broke me. Both mentally and physically.
    I got a little better and my mom got sick in July so i was in and out of the hospital for her.

    All that to say, today I am okay and so is my mom. I do nto cry anymore and my panick attack stopped. Im still broken hearted from what happened but I learned a great deal from it and eventually will fully moved on. For now I take day by day and enjoys the little things

    I started the gym again last week and it has been nice. I am planning in September to come back to sonoma and target a new goal: 180.

    Im sorry i wasnt around but I just wanted to let you know I am good now and I finally started to smile again. I will post before and after pictures soon!
  • Hey! Glad you are back. And you are right this seems like the best diet out there! I knew all along it was the AMOUNT of what I was eating.

    One simple small plate at a time. I'm glad you were able to maintain your losses-that's going to be good practice for maintaining at goal.
  • Glad you're back, and that everything is back to normal(ish) for you!
  • Zofia

    Just in case you are subscribed to this thread I thought I would stop in and say hello.
    Now that fall is almost here it seems like a good point to make a fresh start. Hope you have had some success in your situation. Take care.

  • Hey!!!

    Yes i am subscribed I just got back from a trip in europe and lost 7 pounds HAHAHA

    anyways im back and set a new goal to 180 but tbh, im really skinny right now I should make a thread on the forums in the reached m y goals and beyond hahaha

    i see youve been doing good yourself 2bees! Good for you im so happy!!

  • Hi again
    Wonderful weight loss on your travels. I haven't got out of my neighborhood all summer but I have lost 5 lbs in September. Still looking for my ticket to Onederland.
  • OMG congrats you have reached it!!!

    Im back too. Looking to reach 180. I can do it
    huge challenge and because I exercise everyday im pretty sure it will be really ahrd but im willing to give it a shot

    ill start in the weekly threads.