I am going to the fair today

  • I am going to the fair today. I have promised myself only to have two things I really want instead of my yearly grease-o-rama. I am going to enjoy these two things thoroughly and not feel guilty about eating them. I am posting this to try to help keep me accountable. When I am all done I will come back and let you guys know honestly how I did. Wish me luck!
  • You've made your choice not you KNOW you can stick to it!
    Have fun! Can't wait to hear all about the good choices you make today!
  • GOOD LUCK!!! I skipped the fair this year, but my husband and daughter went and brought HOME a funnel cake -- stinkers! I had a bite, enjoyed it thoroughly, and moved on. Think of it as a challenge -- if you can make a plan and stick to it at the FAIR, not much you can't say no to! hahaha
  • So I went to the fair, had a bite of an elephant ear, a taste of ice cream, 1 1/2 glasses of lemonade, and 3/4 of a plate of those deep fried potatoe things you put salt and vinegar on. I think I did really well and as I walked for 7 hours I don't even feel guilty!
  • That sounds like you did well for a special day out! I LOVE the fair, but I haven't been in like 3 years since I went and couldn't fit on one of the rides. Bad memories :/