Christian Encourager's AUGUST Thread ...

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  • Christian Encouragers ~

    You've found a great place to come and vent, share or ask for prayer support. This is a great group who will be very encouraging, caring and loving....anyone is welcome to join!

    A Servent's Prayer --

    Jesus, My Jesus....How marvellous are your ways....
    Far more splendid than my mind can envision.
    What an honor to be chosen by you.
    A lowly child I am, but empowered by the Holy Spirit to fulfill the great hope to which you have called me.
    I give myself totally to you, Lord.
    Take my imperfect heart and make it perfect.
    Peel away the hardness.
    Close the doors I have opened to the temptations of this world.
    Gently remove the roots of painful memories, sins, doubts and fears.
    Discard anything that separates me from you.
    Lord, fill the emptiness with the light of your love that I might be a beacon calling the lost back to you.

    To love as you love.....
    To serve as you serve.....
    To forgive as you forgive.....
    Always mindful of my nothingness while doing great and marvelous things in your name and for your glory.
    This I pray, Jesus, in YOUR name ...

  • I didn't realize that it was a new month when I posted this earlier, so I just moved it on over to this current thread ...

    HI KAREN ~ nice to see you drop by and those are great pictures too! It's funny seeing the little raggamuffin looking at the baby in the cage -- almost seems to be saying, "whatchya do'in in there?" Will send up prayers for your son and his new family; hope things work out for them all.

    RONNIE ~ glad you dropped by; and hugs & prayers going out for you & yours ...

    GARY ~ sent up some prayers for ANGELA that her back heals up quickly for her ... I've done that a few times myself ... ouch!

    HEY, BOOTSIE ~ you snuck a post in whilst I was typing; ya, that was a very nice surprise! Thanks for the prayers ...

    We've had a quiet weekend at home; just got our dinner all ready to go in the oven (chicken drums and lots of veggies). Gonna bake some apples & rhubarb too, while I'm at it. Tossing the idea of making DH some banana muffins for next week as well.

    We had a thunderstorm here yesterday, so had to disconnect my PC (to be on the safe side). There has been a nice breeze keeping the temps from going up too high today; much more comfortable for us all. I went out and watered my flowers earlier; they are doing well.

    Hope you all have a lovely, restful Sunday ... Rosebud

    PS ... dinner was great; and decided to bake banana-blueberry bran loaves instead, plus did make the rhubarb/apple/strawberry conserve as well. Will have some of that for my evening snack tonight. I put splenda in it, so it is lite on the sugar ...
  • Hi Gals ~ EDIT ~ I carried this over from JULY...w/o the faces!

    Angie is feeling a little better. She will get "cracked" tomorrow and, if it goes the norm, she should be ok in a few days. She is worried about her yoga classes though, if she can teach without doing too much.

    Church was neat today, our new Vicar and his wife were there as he was inducted for the year. He is a young one Has his 4 years of college in plus the first 2 at the seminary so I figure he is about 24-5, but looks younger The last 3 we had were older, they had their college in but did other jobs in the ministry as youth directors or teachers before seminary. Should be fun.

    Just a reminder our sermons are on Facebook if you have an account. Just PM me and I will direct you.

    ROSEBUD ~ Prayers for safety through the storms and a "light foot" on the gas for your DH

    BOOTSIE ~ When I was a child, probably 7 or so a lady came to our door and I answered it...she says...."hello, I'm selling magazines, is your mother home?"....I ran to the room my mom was in and said..."Mom! there's a lady at the door selling magazines...and I think it's GRANDMA!" was! We lived in California and she in Illinois so we didn't see her much but I recognized her from pictures. Glad you got to see yours on a surprise visit

    KAREN ~ Great pictures, but following the story here and facebook...I know you are one happy lady!

    RONNI ~ Sure doesn't seem like a year on your fil I remember those "getting kids ready for college time!"....after this one they pretty much do it on their own

    KATHY ~ Glad to hear you had a nice trip

    BARGOO ~ I hope the birthday was fun...wait til's a good one How do you feel about the possible upcoming move?

    TRISH ~ We have had a lot of cancer in my, grandpa, cousins and now my sister with breast cancer. I am doing a relay walk for cancer next week with my church.

    ONAMI ~ MATILDA ~ DEB and all the MIA's....
  • I'm going through a particularly rough spot right now, and the Servent's Prayer was very comforting to read. Thank you for posting it. I know that if God brings me to it, He'll see me through it. Fellowship is really a mood lifter, even if it's on the 'net
  • WINNINGTHEWAR ~ yes, I think that GOD will use any medium to reach people and bless his children (us); and that includes the internet. I think it is great how Christians can meet up with each other on the net; as in our daily lives, stuff often gets in the way.

    Glad you dropped by; hope you come and visit us more often. Will send up some ^prayers^ for you too ...
  • Somehow I missed this group in my prior browsing of the site.

    It is amazing how in our everyday lives we miss the things that are most important.

    I worry about my weight while other are worrying about their loved ones fighting the war. It is a real eye opener, isnt it?

    We all need strength and love, right? Please pray that for me, as I will for you.

    God Bless!! God is our biggest cheerleader.
  • BUTTERFLYDREAMZ ~ so many people have said the same thing; that it was a while before they noticed the FAITH FORUM on the main menu. It is the last one listed under Support Groups. We are glad that you found us though; we love how GOD directs people to this site and then to this thread.

    You know the "battle of the bulge" is a kind of war with the flesh; but with help from the LORD, we will be victorious and overcome! Will surely send up some prayers for you too; come back often now ...

    PS ~ and we are praying for the soldiers from your country, and ours, and any others; that the war will be brought to a halt so that all those brave souls will be able to come home again very soon.
  • BOY, it's a quiet week in here, eh? We have been having lots of on and off, as I mentioned before. We have right this moment; and we've had lots of lovely RAINBOWS lately too; even got some pics of them.

    GOOD NEWS REPORT ~ DH's sister dropped by for a visit this afternoon; that was nice. We are happy to hear that her DH (TOM M.) has quit smoking; it has been almost 3 months next week. The doctors gave him this new pill they have (starts with a "C") and it really helped him a lot; and he is hoping that he will be able to continue being ciggie-free once the 12-week program is over next week. She says that he is feeling so much better; and his skin is rosy again and he can even walk better.

    We were discussing how some people really don't realize how much the ciggies can hurt their basic circulation and overall health. He has also stopped all the hacking (just like my DH has) that he used to do too. She said the difference is amazing! So, PTL ... all our prayers for him are really helping, I think. They will be going down south to a big city hospital for a visit with his heart specialist next week (the 11th of August).

    Prayers for a good trip and visit with his doctor and family would be appreciated. I thought that you would like to hear some more good news!!!

    OOPS, dinner is ready -- will be back later ...

    OK, I'M BACK ... like a proverbial bug!

    Anywho, we had leftover BBQ spit chicken and veggies for dinner. I picked up a spagetti squash the other day becuz I wanted to try it. I baked it for over an hour and it was still kinda crunchy, which I am told is the way it is supposed to be. I made it with a homemade Asian type sauce which I tossed it in afterward. I can see why people like to serve their favorite spagetti sauce over it; will definitely be trying that as well (maybe with the other half tomorrow). Boy, it sure makes a lot; we still have lots left over and I only cooked half!

    Hope you all have a fantastic Friday tomorrow; another week is almost done ... Rosebud
  • Hi everyone!

    I had placed a prayer request on the prayer warriors thread, and was encouraged to say hello here!

    So, hello!

    I'm sitting patiently waiting for the shrimp to come off the grill. It's pretty awesome to be eating that on a Friday night when it used to be pizza every Friday!

    For those of you who say my prayer request, I had a thought during some prayer time this morning that maybe my husband should tell the president of the company that we feel so called to this area and that God has been preparing us for a big change. I knew it could be really weird, but I also thought if an employer was turned off by that notion, it wasn't someone my husband would want to work for anyway! Well, the president replied and thanked my husband for his openness with his faith and said that he is also a Christian trying to live every day for Him. SO awesome. So, keep praying! We're hoping he gets an interview soon!!!
  • Outstanding HICKORY!
  • Hi Gals ~

    Well Angie and I just got back from looking at new refrigerators...we are thinking of getting one, don't have to have one yet but maybe soon. We have one in the garage too, which we probably don't need anymore with the kids gone if we get a bigger one for the house. We buy bulk items at Costco so we always have tons of bread and meat...even for the 2 of us...trying to figure the best way to buy and save and be good stewards....

    I walked the first lap with my sister, 2nd half for caretakers and family, at the 24 Hour Cancer Relay we are doing with our church members team. My sis and niece walk midnight to 2am Sunday and Angie and I continue from 2 to 4am.....awesome feeling walking with my sister...watching her warm up...using the yoga Angie taught her before her first lap was very emotional for all of us.

    I will try and jump in here tomorrow...just wanted to say hi and let you know I am here and reading daily!

    be good ~ Gary
  • Hi All!

    I've been catching up on everything that has been happening.

    EZ MONEY - I trust Angie is feeling better now.

    Hickory - That is so neat that your husband shared his faith only to find out that his boss was a Christian too. Isn't that how God works!!

    It has been crazy ever since I got back from vacation. Went back to work this past Wednesday and of course, there was a lot of things to catch up on. Had it all caught up by Friday.

    I've been working every night on the Medical Transcription course. It has been going well. I hope to have the first section done by next Friday. There is a total of 5 sections. I'm so anxious to get this done and be able to work from home.

    It was 3 years ago today that the Lord blessed our home with our 3 boys. We have watched them go from scared and insecure to happy and content. They are great boys and we love them so much.

    We had a bigger lunch today because DH and DS1 had to work tonight. We had steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn on the cob, tomatoes, and cucumbers for our meal. It was so good. I love fresh produce.

    I'm soon off to bed. Mowed the grass tonight and I'm exhausted. We have 10,000 sq. ft. and 95% of it is hill so we have to push mow. It's a good work out and feels good, but my body is screaming at me. I'm so out of shape.

    Have a good Sunday everyone!

  • HI ALL ~ we just got home from visiting friends out in the country; we took our NIKO out so their grandson could play with him. We had a nice BBQ dinner (I had steak) too. DH has already gone to bed, but I am having a hot cocoa for my evening snack; a bit late but nice before bed.

    GARY ~ glad things went so well with ANNIE at the walkathon; hope you and ANGIE have a good walk during the night. You two must be night owls, but you can sleep in a bit too.

    KATHY ~ we had something similar for dinner tonight; how funny (a BBQ: steak, baking potatoes, corn, salad, etc). I know that you feel so blessed to have those boys in your life, but they are blessed to have such good people to open their home and life to them also. Glad that it has all turned out so well for everyone. Prayers continue for their birth mom, KELLY too.

    We had and on and off all day; and we had at least 4 or 5 RAINBOWS too. I don't think I've ever seen so many in one day before.

    Hope you all have a lovely, peaceful & restful Sunday tomorrow ... Rosebud
  • Hi Gals ~

    Well Angie and I did the walk this morning We took over the relay from my sister and niece, they walked midnight to 2. We got there and joined them for a few laps before they took off to go to bed. We did 6 miles and completed our 2 hour commitment at 4am when another lady from church came for her hour. The relay will finish at 9am making the 24 hours.

    My sister did great she did one lap with us on our time so she could get 5 miles in

    It was a lot of fun and all the money goes to a great cause.

    ROSEBUD...Night owls we aren't! I usually have to get up for work between 3-4am most days depending on how far my commute is so a 1:00 wake up was not all that hard for me...especially since I went to bed at 8:30 Angie stayed up until 9:30 and since she usually gets up at 5am it was harder for her but she hung in there just fine. We both took a little nap when we got home. I am sure we will get another one in after church this afternoon...I'm planning on it

    Going to late service today because it is VBS closing and my nephew is singing

    KATHY and ROSEBUD I'm coming for dinner
  • Positive Message for Today ...

    "Who you have been is not near as important as what
    you choose to become ... the future allows you to
    become a dreamer & a visionary. You make yourself
    old (before your time) when your memories become
    more important to you than your dreams. You are
    as young as your dreams, and as old as your cynicism.

    Remember, that you are here by divine appointment;
    and no matter how things are going or appear ...

    ~ by Tony Campolo ~