Life and chucking things

  • Hi All

    I'm back on the wagon, hehe. I don't know why it seems to be that sh*t has to happen in my life before I can really knuckle down and look after myself (not relying too much emotionally on friends who will go on and then hurt you), but maybe I just didn't learn well enough the first time round. It's hurting a lot, but getting this weight off will help me take my mind off them and focus on me

    Hope you guys will help!
  • Best of luck to you! I've been having some difficulties with friends lately as well and have decided to quit thinking about them and start focusing on myself.

    Anyway, congrats for coming back and restarting.
  • Thanks junco I'm looking forward to seeing the scales going down again. I've been tracking everything today so far and am up on the water. This morning I worked out for half an hour too, with my trainer. Start as you mean to go on
  • I wondered where you went! Is your ticker right? If you managed to keep your weight loss maintained while you were having "difficulties", that is great. Good to have you back. If you totally dedicate youself to getting healthy, by this time next year you could be at goal. Good luck.
  • hey, salsa! glad to see you here posting!
  • Welcome back! I've missed seeing your funny and insightful posts. Glad you're back and ready to focus on you. It sounds like you've had some tough times lately.