Wake up, it's Wednesday

  • Good Morning Everyone,

    Just thought I would get the daily post started. Not a lot happening here. I'm still trying to get things gathered up for our garage sale Sat.
    I did good OP yesterday until dinner. Then, I ate too many dinner rolls. I don't like to have rolls for dinner, but DH requested them. I need to learn to say "no" to breads. I did well the rest of the day.
    I've really got to stick to it the rest of the week to keep my circulation gift box. If I lose or turtle for 4 weeks, I'll get $5. It's worth the effort. I've already walked my 2 miles this morning.

    There's a lot of MIA's. Hope you are doing well and will be back soon.

    Eleni....Hope things will be better for you soon.

  • Good morning,
    I will go to my first TOPS meeting this evening. I will post my weigh in then. My scales never have the same reading as others.
    Looking forward to getting started again. I went to TOPS years ago. I did well with it. Me and 3 other friends went. We all lost down to our goal. I think all of us ended up putting it back on over the years. I hope I meet a few people that will be interested in walking together. That always helps.

    Hope every one has a great week.


    Weighed in at 198
    I set a goal for 145, I hope to reach goal by April 20th.
    Hi Ladies
    Had weigh in last night. Didn't do very well. Had a 1/4 lb gain. Was pretty good all week. Thought I would have a loss or stayed the same. But didnt. But will try for one next week. Not much happening here. Have alot of running to do this week. Hubby had PT Monday. Sadie (dog) had to get her shots yesterday. Hubby has a Dr's this afternoon. Hubby has PT in the Morning. And I need to clean out church sometime this week.We are having Homecoming this Sunday at church. So need to do a few things there. So that is about all that is happening here. Got a cross stitch thing done. Now getting ready to start another. That has helped. I dont seem to be picking as much in between meals by doing that. I am doing a couple of things for Xmas gifts. Wont be long and it will be here. So I thought I would get started now.

    Sherri How did the Dr's appt go. Are you feeling better? How was the CT scan. I am thinking of you.

    Eleni Thinking of you also.

    Christi. Was you the one that put in about the peanut butter diet. I got the magazine also. Was thinking of trying it myself. But I thought I would use the reduce fat peanut butter. Have read all the article yet.

    To everyone else I am thinking of you. Hoping that you are all doing well. And keeping on track. I hope everyone has great losses this week. I am going to really try for one. My biggest problem will be Homecoming. There is always so much food and it is always sooo good. So I havent thought about what to do for that. Maybe just take me a smaller plate and use. And just make one trip. Everyone have a great day. Take care.
    Welcome all newbies.
  • Hi Brenda,
    Welcome to the board and I think its great that you're going back to TOPS. Post often, it's a daily help to stay OP.
