Where is everyone?

  • Just wondering where all the Medifast users are? Hope that you are all having success. I know that the first couple weeks are hard, but you CAN do it! Everything worth having comes at a price and I think a little extra hunger pains are WELL worth the outcome of smaller pants sizes. Hope you are all doing well. I just tried the pancakes today and I think they are GREAT! I added a dalllop of cool whip with my sugar free syrup and it was a perfect breakfast.
  • Hi Jermsgirl,

    I am just re-starting my medifast today. It was the biggest mistake I ever made to let myself fall off the wagon..

    But, onward.

    You seem to be doing great! Congratulations.
    How long have you been on Medifast?

    I haven't tried any of the new products yet. I still have a cupboard full of stuff.

    well, i'm here!

    take care and have a great day!

  • I moved on to WS, but I have some boxes of shakes, soups and bars left. Just had the chocolate joint health shake. Blended it in the magic bullet with the whipping blade instead of the chopping/blending blade and it came out so thick. Very yummy and filling!
  • Hi Teresa! I'm sorry to hear that you fell off the wagon but happy to know that you are starting again! I've been eating this way for two weeks now. Before that I was doing only whole/clean foods and I LOVED it! I can't WAIT to go back to eating that way! It has been a blessing, with medifast, to see the weight come off quickly. I know it's hard to keep on pushing through and sticking the with program. Since I had already changed my way of eating with not eating anything packaged or with additives, I think that eating the medifast food hasn't been that hard. I wouldn't allow myself the "bad" food anyways, so I haven't had to struggle too much. I'll be praying that you are able to reach your goals and quickly! I know how hard it is, Goodness gracious do I know! I'm a member of the "tried every diet known to man" club! If you need any extra support or help just let me know.

    Butterfly- That whipped up shake sounds good! It's been hot here so anything ice cream like sounds delicious!