Not new, but making a comeback!

  • Hey, like I said in the title, I am not new. Last visit from me was over 2 years ago.. In that time I have lost approximately 20lbs without really trying and yet here I am stuck between 197 and 195, depending on the day.
    I went back to school in the fall of '08, graduated with my associates this past May. I will continue working towards my bachelors, and my goal is to be around 145lbs for my next graduation in 2 years. I know it will take a lot of work on my part, but I am hoping that with the help and support of the people on here, I will be able to achieve that goal.
    Again, just wanted to say hi to everyone, and good luck on our journeys!
  • Hi and Welcome back!

    Best of Luck!
  • Hi welcome back, glad you are doing well!

    Quote: Hey, like I said in the title, I am not new. Last visit from me was over 2 years ago.. In that time I have lost approximately 20lbs without really trying and yet here I am stuck between 197 and 195, depending on the day.
    I went back to school in the fall of '08, graduated with my associates this past May. I will continue working towards my bachelors, and my goal is to be around 145lbs for my next graduation in 2 years. I know it will take a lot of work on my part, but I am hoping that with the help and support of the people on here, I will be able to achieve that goal.
    Again, just wanted to say hi to everyone, and good luck on our journeys!
  • Hi Renee and welcome back to 3FC.

    Good luck with your goals.

  • Welcome and good luck!
