Question for runners

  • I have been getting pains/bruises on my shins and knees from running. They arent too bad, but I feel them getting worse. Are there any stretches I can do to help this? After about 20 minutes of running I start to really feel it. And then when I am not running, like say now, if I press on certain spots on my shin or knee, it hurts like there is a bruise there..
  • It sounds potentially like shin splints to me. You mentioned you have been running almost every day. You could be putting too much stress on your body: try cutting back to every other day for a while. Also, on what type of surface are you running? The softer the surface the better for recovery. You also need to make sure you are wearing appropriate shoes with inserts if necessary. And you should ice the affected area and stretch your calf muscles.

    I used to get the pain that you describe. I don't anymore now that I avoid running too often on hard surfaces and have shoes and inserts appropriate to my running style. And I don't run every day. I might be able to now that I know how to deal with shin splints, but I haven't tested that theory out.
  • That makes sense. I have been running outside and on the treadmill. I dont think I have appropriate shoes becuase I just bought a cheappair at Walmart and I am guessing they are not sufficient for running. I will have to look into new shoes! Thank you Petitehouse..
  • I run as well and I noticed the pains in the same area when I started running daily too. I have fairly nice nikes as well ($60) but wondering if I should be investing in some that are more expensive?
  • Quote: I run as well and I noticed the pains in the same area when I started running daily too. I have fairly nice nikes as well ($60) but wondering if I should be investing in some that are more expensive?
    I definitely spent more on my running shoes. I used to have some that were in the $60 range, but they weren't good enough. Getting some really good shoes and inserts is one of the things that made me into a runner. Before that I figured I wasn't built for running, that that was why I got shin splints and suffered foot pain. It turns out I just needed to invest in the right equipment.

    It might be worth it to go to a store where runners work. Have them watch you run and make suggestions about the shoe and possibly orthotics that would be best for you personally.
  • I run as well and I noticed the pains in the same area when I started running daily too. I have fairly nice nikes as well ($60) but wondering if I should be investing in some that are more expensive?