Overeating - how do I stop??

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  • I mean, what's the first step?

    I think I'm kind of hoping that I'll wake up one day and just not want to overeat, but I don't think that's going to happen is it??

    Is it really just a case of it all boiling down to willpower??

    It seems so hard and impossible...
  • Instead of trying to remove the overeating right now, just add something else in. Start walking/hiking/biking/swimming/yoga/pilates/martial arts, etc.

    It's not about willpower. It's about giving your emotions some other outlet, and then once that other outlet is there, figuring why you are overeating, keeping junk food out of the house (or what ever your trigger foods are) avoiding restaurants where you tend to overeat, and sitting with your emotions and feelings and feeling them, rather than trying to eat them away.
  • Quote: Instead of trying to remove the overeating right now, just add something else in. Start walking/hiking/biking/swimming/yoga/pilates/martial arts, etc.
    Funny you should say that as I'm planning on starting back at the gym tomorrow so maybe that would help...

    As for the emotional side of things, I feel that I'm eating rubbish whether I feel emotional about things or not - it just seems to happen all the time...
  • There is no cure and able to stop within ourselves. I am a sweetacholic. I live with my mom and sisters and they are not heavy as me..I see sweets each day and a constant struggle on saying NO!! Not easy..I don't believe in moderation..have all or nothing mindset and it is hard to resist.

    Good luck with your efforts and stay strong, stronger for those sweet treats.
  • You might also start with how you talk about your self and the images you use to portray yourself - like something other than a cookie monster cupcake eating a cookie?
  • Quote: You might also start with how you talk about your self and the images you use to portray yourself - like something other than a cookie monster cupcake eating a cookie?

    So I should change my name you mean? I've always been known as Cookie online, nothing to do with my eating habits.
  • It helps if I don't let myself get too hungry and I don't keep any foods that I used to binge on in the house. Fortunately I have control over what food is in my house. Good luck!
  • Quote: It helps if I don't let myself get too hungry and I don't keep any foods that I used to binge on in the house. Fortunately I have control over what food is in my house. Good luck!
    See, but I will literally binge on anything... I'm really beginning to think there is no hope for me.
  • Quote:

    So I should change my name you mean? I've always been known as Cookie online, nothing to do with my eating habits.
    Not necessarily your name, but maybe your avatar. Something motivating, positive, uplifting, beautiful.
  • Quote: Not necessarily your name, but maybe your avatar. Something motivating, positive, uplifting, beautiful.
    ...but cookies are beautiful..!

    No, you are absolutely right - am off to change it now.
  • Done, me and my gorgeous boy!
  • Love it!!!!
  • Oh, I think there is hope. Maybe cognitive therapy? I think understanding why you are doing it is the key to stopping. Just my opinion.
  • Quote: Oh, I think there is hope. Maybe cognitive therapy? I think understanding why you are doing it is the key to stopping. Just my opinion.
    You know, I had some great books in this area and I've no idea what I've done with them... I can't afford actual therapy but the books were a good substitute for it. Must go and try to dig them out.
  • For me, specific types of foods trigger overeating. Specifically, sweet/salty carby foods - pretzels, chips, cold cereals, packaged cookies.

    All my life, I thought I had a problem with food, it turns out I just had a problem with SOME FOODS. Restricting/eliminating these foods have been a miracle for me, a literal miracle.

    I would have thought you were crazy if you had told me 6 years ago, I'd live a live without scones, but I don't miss those foods. I really don't miss the out of control, helpless, loser feelings I used to experience when I overate/binged.