
  • Good morning ladies,
    things seem to be going ok here. Scale is down about 3 pounds but that could change by Monday night. We have a busy day today, and for the past couple of days i haven't been feeling well. Stomach cramps, and a little sick to my tummy. Nothing major, sure it will go away soon. my sister is having her annual fall day, family, hotdogs,(I have to make a brocc. salad) and this year a hay ride. Should be fun. Hubby is still up Noth, and wont be home till sunday. I have a lot to do today. Dr. appointment for my hands on Tuesday. should be interesting. Brandon's first week of preschool/daycare went well. He has been really tired at night, but really loves to fight the going to sleep thing. He does so much better when the tv is totally turned off, and everyone is in bed. Not sure how this is going to go when hubby gets home, cuz he doesn't go to sleep when I do.
    Sherri great attitude. I like your daily goals. sorry about your gain. Eleni you too.
    All newbies, welcome. Great job on your loss Joyce.
    Penny glad you are ok. Christie great work. Everyone keep up the fight. Summer glad you stopped by
  • Good morning, everyone

    I saw on the Oct. weigh-in post, that most of you had lost weight this week. Congratulations to all of you that lost weight. Keep it up and try to keep in the black all month. Those of us that gained will do better next week. In our chapter, we have 2 little boxes that we call our circulating gift boxes. We draw 2 names for the boxes and if those people lose weight for 4 weeks in a row they get $5.00. If one is absent or gains, they lose and a new name is drawn. This week my name was drawn. So I need to lose weight or turtle for 4 weeks to get my $5.

    Joyce (Angelwine) Congratulations on your loss. YOU are doing great!! 12.75 lbs is equal to 39 sticks of butter. Good Job.

    Nancy....You are doing great also. 19 lbs since July. That's equal to 76 sticks of butter. Way to goal!!

    Christian....I like your idea of exercising everytime we eat things we shouldn't. It may be just what I need to do to keep OP.

    Remember your 3 M's this week.

  • HI
    Hi Ladies
    I hope everyone is having a great weekend. We are having a nice fall day here. Took son to my uncles to weed eat his creek banks. Other than that not much happening here.
    Went to the Pamper Chef party last night. Had Lemon herb Chicken ring, and chocolate cake. Ate a piece of each. They were little pieces. So everyone could have a taste. And also had a piece of veggie pizza and 2 handfuls of chips. The chicken ring and cake were really good. I think you could make the chicken ring so it wouldnt be that bad in cals and fat. Ordered the cookbook the recipe is suppose to be in. So will check it out.
    Todays eating could have been ALOT better. For breakfast a slim fast bar. Then for lunch-supper a hamburger on wheat bread with cheese and french fries and cole slaw. So didnt make too good of choices today. But I havent ate anything else today or wont eat anything tonight. I may fix a cup of hot cocoa after bit if I feel hungry. So I will have to be really good tomorrow and Monday. I hope I can have a loss or at least stay the same. Havent checked the scales. Kinda afraid too. Afraid that if I do and they show a gain. I just may start eating and not stop. So for now it is best I stay off them.

    Sherri How are you feeling? Hope your Dr's appt went ok. Am thinking of you.

    Shortstack Good luck with your Dr's appt Monday. Good on the loss. You are doing great.

    To everyone else I am thinking of you. We can do this. Hope you are having a great weekend.