Dextrose, Maltodextrin, Splenda & IP

  • Hi Everyone!

    I came across an article recently that talked about how body builders often use dextrose or maltodextrin post-workout to boost the body's insulin response in an effort to reduce muscle breakdown. This entails taking supplements immediately after a workout to spike insulin and replenish glycogen. I can see the benefit of this for someone who is looking to add muscle mass, not just preserve it. Because dextrose and maltodextrin have a high glycemic index, yet lack of carbs/calories, they would be ideal in this setting.

    That brings me to my question. Most artificial sweeteners, including aspartame and sucralose, use dextrose and maltodextrin to "bulk up" the amount of powder in a packet. A quick look at a packet of Splenda reveals that there's more dextrose and maltodextrin in there than anything else.

    Since on of the tenets of IP is to reset the pancreas and change the body's normal insulin response, it makes me curious about sweeteners that include dex/malto. I've read that both actually have a higher glycemic index than regular old table sugar. Doesn't a surge in insulin production from using products with dex/malto seem counter to what we're trying to accomplish with IP?

    What are your thoughts? And what is your experience with stevia products like Truvia? Thanks!
  • I talked to both my coach and doctor about this today. The doc's approach was very practical. He first asked how I was using sweetners. Then he reviewed my weight loss progress. He stated that if I was continuing to lose weight and that I was staying in ketosis, that the amount of dextrose and maltodextrin probably wasn't causing severe spikes and that unless something changed it shouldn't be a huge concern.

    If it altered my loss, then he would want to revisit it.
  • i agree with doc, if you don't see a crazy change in weight loss, it's probably ok. people metabolize the artificial sweetners differently. i started using splenda in my coffee from day 7 and i honestly don't think it's effected me much, now if i were to use it in 64 oz of tea per day at one packet per 8 oz, i'm pretty sure my stubborn body would flip. if you know what i mean
  • Just so you know, I was sick for like 2 weeks (severe stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, TMI in know sorry!) at the beginning of my IP journey, and Doctor, and Coach were thinking it was the sweetener (motsly splenda).. I've now stopped using it except when necessary, and I'm feeling much better.

    I think we need to be careful about it, even if it's not causing a sugar spike, because it's an artificial thing anyway !

    I also agree with your doc and with erin, if you're loosing fine, and your body is not reacting badly to it, then it's ok with you using it