Mini Victory

  • Tonight, I took my daughter shopping for summer camp clothes. EVERY time, 100% of the time, that we go to the mall I either buy a pretzel or a Cinnabon. Every time. But, not this time! As I was walking by the place, I already had a blog post laid out in my mind. I would admit my failure and make a comment about doing better next time. But, then it occurred to me that I could write a post about NOT stopping. About a SUCCESS! So, that is what I'm doing. I'm here to tell you that I did not eat anything in between meals today. I resisted mall temptations. That is a small step, but a big deal for me.

    AND, I'm sitting here drinking WATER!
  • Yah! Those cinnabons are the work of the devil! Congratulations on your save!
  • Congrats!!!

    P.S. I have totally been in the planning my shamed blog post mentally place...
  • Well done!!
  • Thanks everyone!