Back to WW but this time at home!

  • Hey everyone...

    I used to go to WW meetings a long time ago.. when I was still living in Brazil...

    I have all the booklets and tools to do it at home I decided or better saying , i ddont know why i stopped, because loosing weight with WW is soo fun!! so easy!!

    I am very happy to be back in track... and I hope that I can share a bit with you all during this journey

    My first goal is 10% of my weight
  • lol i ask myself the same thing, why did i stop?? lol. congrats on getting back on i recently did too. i'm trying it at home on my own with the support of this site but if i start to feel like i need meetings i'm going to go cause i don't want to stop this time. hope you have a great week
  • I joined WW 2 weeks ago for the first time. I joined the online program though. Is that the same as the At home program? I don't have any booklets and have been considering buying them from the site. Any tips or recommendations for me?
  • I love the restaurant guide it's a real savior. Although they don't have some things in there so I turn to the web. I love the point calculator I bought. I do need to get a scale though. I didn't get the 3-month planner I like writing mine done in a little notebook. Good luck to you. This is my first week and has proved frustrating.
  • Hey Izzy! Sounds like we are about the same weight with the same goal...I'd love to check in with you from time to time to see how it's going!