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  • WELCOME EVERYONE ~ Please join us in our thread: to give support and encouragement; to share ideas, and/or just chat with one another about everyday issues ...

    This special thread is for anyone with any kind of physical obstacle and/or challenge like SB, CP, MS, MD, PK, Lupus, Osteo, Arthritis, Rheumatism, or any other condition (s), whether genetic or acquired (like injuries), that causes some physical limitations and/or difficulties.



  • HI EVERYONE ~ thought it would be a good time to start a fresh, new thread -- one for the summertime ... I think summer officially started around the 20 or 21st anyways (not sure).

    Sooo ... we went up to our lot on Monday of this week (made two trips for doors and windows for our cottage), and boy, was it ; then went shopping on Tuesday (walked my tired feet off); then did my Wednesday weeding, and planted some more seed in our side gardens (more green beans, lettuces, radishes, and summer turnips).

    Today, we stayed home so that I could have a complete rest day as I overdid it a bit I guess. I woke up with a bit of a cold this morning and that peri-menopause stuff is acting up again over the last week or so ... thankfully, as the day went on, I started to feel better.

    We had a cooler day today, but the did peek out since the late afternoon which was nice. We had fish, homefries (I had sweet potato), and salad for dinner tonight; nice & easy for me. I heard that there were some bad storms and supposed to have been some tremors here, but we have lots of road work going on near our place so it was hard to tell ...

    Uncle Tom's funeral service is tomorrow AM. Hope you all have a great week with great weather out there ... Rosebud
  • Hello there, I've been looking for a thread like this, would LOVE to chat and get some advice. I broke my leg back in March, and am partial weight baring now. Starting aquatic therapy tomorrow but only twice a week. I had to spend some $$$ on a stationary recumbant bike this week since the PT wasn't too thrilled at wher I'm at. I was JUST starting to use the elliptical for an hour right before I fell. I know being lighter will be better for my knee to recover. I have put on Comcast On Demand and try to do some of the upper work outs while in my wheelchair but get frustrated and don't know if it's enough, kwim?
    Thanks for reading!
  • Hi! I'm glad this thread is here. I just joined this morning. I've been blind and had Cerebral Palsy since birth, then in 2004 had a spinal cord injury. I just thought I'd stop by to say "hi". I'm just beginning the whole weight loss journey myself, although I guess I should have started a long time ago. I have renewed hope since reading through some of the posts here today! This forum is filled with a lot of determined people and I like that!
  • NURSE2BE ~ ya, know how that feels; hope some of those exercises and machines help you. You can still do toning stuff (on a couch or bed); and hand=weights; stetchie-band work; chair aerobics; and the aquatic swimming should be great too. You really do have a lot of options and any movement burns energy whether on the top or bottom -- and that is what matters really ...

    WILDKAT ~ you have some challenges but it sounds like you have a great attitude too -- not letting anything stand in your way. I think persistence is more important than perfection. A good food plan and some daily exercise is a good way to start. I vary what I do each day -- one day may be weeding in my garden; next shopping and walking; next day at our cottage lot doing stuff out there; another morning doing housechores, and I try to do some toning work each day (as soon as I get up for at least 10 minutes), then some other kind like I mentioned to Nursie above.

    Glad you ladies joined our thread; hope to get to know you both better over the next while ... Rosebud
  • We had a busy day today; went hunting for some perennial plants and bushes. Got home with some and after googling them, found out that a couple of them can either be very large bushes or even small trees ... but we have planted some of them anyways. We planted some yellow daylilies, dianthus, and a have a coupld of daisylike ones in yellow with brown centers, and some pink ones as well.

    The bushes are a lovely goldfinger with big yellow flowers and a purple leaf sand cherry bush. I also got two choke cherry bushes, but now have to decide where to put them ... oh my ... decisions, decisions.

    Well, gotta go get these tired legs up; did lots of walking today and I am a bit tired, but will be back soon. Take good care ... Rosebud
  • HI FOLKS ~ well, we have had two busy days in a row, but we got all those plants in yesterday and it has been ing ever since. That is actually good becuz our plants like the cool, damp weather to get them started well in their new homes; plus it was getting sooo dry around here that some of the grass was turning yellow ... and that's not good ...

    I managed to put in 4 pots and even had a rest while DH put in 3, but I somehow think that he was taking his merry time ... on purpose ... That's OK as I find that gardening is great exercise and I look forward to it; and the rewards of seeing all those pretty flowers are worth it too. All these new plants and bushes are perennials so they should be around for a long time; plus I can divide them and put some out at our lot. I got some really good deals (all 50% off) plus I tried to pick ones that had at least 2 or more plants per pot -- therefore, doubling and tripling my $$$ value ...

    Just made a nice pot of homemade veggie soup for lunch -- perfect for a cool, wet day like this. I already have the dinner prepared in a roasting pan; some BL and skinless chicken breasts surrounded with celery, carrots, onions, green beans, and will put slices of sweet potato and new potatoes on top just before turning on the oven. Think I'll bake some fruit while I am at it too.

    Hope you are all having a good week out there; take good care of yourselves ... Rosebud
  • Oh and here's the real list of our perennial finds -- Goldsturm Rudbeckia or Brown-eyed Susans; Painted Daisies (multi-colored daisies); Dianthus (Sweet William mixed); Cantebury Bells (bluebells); Happy Returns Yellow Daylilies; Bama Maid Daylily (pretty Pink with white stripes and deep yellow centers); Goldfinger Cinquefoil (pretty yellow-flowered bush); Abbotswood Cinquefoil (white flowered bush); purple leaf sandcherry; and two Choke Cherry trees (or Pin Cherry).

    Now there is another plant which they couldn't find in their book, so I don't know the name of it yet ... but it is supposed to have nice flowers that feel like paper; when it gets bigger, I will take a picture and see if I can find it in my flower books.

    Later on, I will try to get some other kinds like the pink Bleeding Heart Bush; they had them, but they get very big around, so you have to have lots of room to plant them. Plus the False Spirea is another favorite (I esp like the red ones) that I will definitely try to get down the road ... ttyl
  • HI LADIES ~ well, we had another day of but that's OK -- we want all our wells to get refilled and give our grass and trees a good soaking so the grass will turn green again. The has been peaking out a bit now and then, so maybe it will be sunny tomorrow for our country's birthday after all ...

    We had a good day; did some shopping in the AM so got some walking in today too; and then we had to do a pick-up in the afternoon as we forgot some things. Didn't have much to get: mostly fresh stuff. Boy, it was very busy today; the stores were packed and the roads crowded as well. Glad to get home really.

    Wanted to share that I did really well on my NO JUNKIES JUNE CHALLENGE ... today is the last day and I DID IT!!! No chippies, no nachos, etc, etc, etc! YEAH for me!

    Made a nice dinner tonight; a family favorite -- Creole Patties. I added some frozen niblets corn, sliced mushrooms; and some baby spinach from my side garden. I had a bowl of that with a small side salad; and DH had a new potato and mixed veggies. I am trying some new strategies as I would like to get some more weight off this summer; hope it works.

    You know, I was having all kinds of trouble with my IE (Internet Explorer) every now & then, so this week I switched over to Mozilla Firefox, and I haven't had any problems since then; plus everything is working so much better on my PC too!!!

    I picked up some dark colored wool to do some more crocheting -- making some squares for a blanket. I am finding that it really helps keep my hands busy so I am less likely to munch; and I am very grateful for that ~ what a bonus!

    Have been doing well on my plan this week; hope you all are too. Take good care ... Rosebud
  • HAPPY CANADA DAY to all our Canadian friends out there ... and HAPPY 4th of JULY to all our Amercian friends too!

    We didn't get back home from our CANADA DAY fireworks display until after 11 pm last night and it was exceptional this year, I must say ... well, it is our 100th birthday anniversary so it was a special one. Our dear NIKO was with us and he just curled up in a ball in the back seat and slept through the whole thing ...

    DH had to rescue a baby sparrow this morning. I made it a bed using a veggie box with paper towels and rags, then put it in a hanging basket which we hung in a fur tree at the back. It took the mommas about 10 minutes to zero in on the squawker, but since then they have been working as a team to feed it.

    BTW, seems that my NO JUNKIES JUNE paid off with me down 2 lbs yesterday AM ... I'll take it; I'll take it!!!

    Hope you all have a great long weekend; many people here were given both Thursday and Friday off (hence the long weekend). Take good care ... Rosebud
  • HI LADIES ~ we had a lovely day up at our lot yesterday; it started to get really in the afternoon, but then some nice clouds rolled in and the cooled things down so nicely. When the buggies came out, we high-tailed it back home.

    Today, was another story; it was 'en out there and the humidity terribly thick. This am wasn't too bad, so we managed to get out to pick up some stuff for the camper beds so we can try staying there overnight; so we'll see how it goes. It was too bad to go outdoors in the afternoon, so I stayed indoors and caught up on my emails and such as I was very behind.

    Have been having some internal concerns of late (blood in my stools a few times now); so will have to get that checked out. It was only a very small amount and went away before, but had it twice today and it has concerned me a bit. Funny, I was having some tiny jabby pains in my tummy this past week; wonder if they are related. Would prefer that it clears up on its own (praying for that) but may have to get some testing done, just in case. Gonna make an appointment with my doctor as soon as I can to see what he thinks.

    Hope you all have a lovely week coming up ... Rosebud
  • Had a good day today and felt better too -- managed to get some walking in as we had to go do our usual things up town and picked up a few groceries for the week (things we forgot, like DH's Coke and spring water refills for me + for coffee and tea). My Dad tasted our water and couldn't believe how much chlorine is in it. I can really taste it myself, esp in my tea so we buy water just for drinking.

    Have eaten really well so far this month; am keeping on plan. We did have some popcorn on Canada Day (July 1st) to celebrate, but I cut my complex carbs way down that day to allow for that. The rest of the month will be another JUNKLESS JULY for me. I have my allotted treats for the month -- low sugar fruit like berries and peaches, plus a few unsalted nuts for this month.

    Have a great week ladies ... Rosebud
  • BOY, was it today or what ... it was 'en ... it was way, way too .... man, it was svelteringly .... It was so that we had to come back home from our lot today, becuz it was just ... well, too .... and then we found that my salad garden had been 'FRIED' ... literally. No more lettuce; the only thing that is OK is the onions, so I pulled all the other stuff out and will be planting some beans in there instead. I have never had that happen before ...

    The only thing that I can think of is that we are now living in town; and it feels much hotter in here to me than when we lived in the country. The country was always cooler; and our garden drums always grew well out there -- probably becuz it was cooler. So, will have to come up with another strategy.

    Some day, when it is cooler, we may try to stay out at our lot, but not when it is soooo danged Even in the camper with the windows open, it was too -- and the bathroom felt like a sauna ... literally. The sweat was just pouring off us ... so we came home.

    Oh, how sweet it is ... to have our air conditioners on now! I told DH that from now on, I will be checking the forecast BEFORE we go anywhere, esp in July & August. I think the best strategy would be to only go out if they are forecasting ...

    Anywho, hope you all are staying some way or another. Take good care and have a great week too ... Rosebud
  • Hi, everyone and WELCOME to the newbies! Sorry I haven't been here much lately, but I'm trying to correct that.

    Rosebud-we have used Firefox for awhile now, because so many sites no longer support Safari (the Mac internet program) and we've been ok with it-took awhile to get used to some of the new preferences, but now that we're familiar with it, we like it. I put dianthus in a couple of my flower beds and it always looks really nice. Not familiar with what a couple of your other plants are by name, so I'll be looking them up. The bleeding heart I put in a couple years ago has gotten to be about 5 feet across and 2 1/2 feet tall this year-hard to believe that it dies completely down every winter then gets this big in the summer. I may end up having to move it as I think I may have put it too close to our central air unit, but need to look into whether that's a good idea.

    Well, must get ready to go to town-groceries are needed after DS1 and his family of 6 visited over the weekend. I thought our 2 boys still at home ate a lot, but I made tacos one evening and used up 4 pounds of lean ground beef!!

    Have a great day, everyone!!
  • WOWIE ~ I didn't realize that I hadn't posted in here for such a long time!

    H RONNIE ~ Thanks for dropping by ... it was getting kinda lonely over here lately ... We've been a bit busy ourselves, so I understand (a good kind of busy); and you have kids and grandkiddies too ...

    I love doing my gardening; great exercise too. It has been a lifelong dream of mine to have a nice garden bed with lots of perennial flowers, plants, and bushes. I may pick up a bleeding heart next year; they can get very big. The bushes we got can get quite big too, so they will fill up a good area too. I am trying to spread it out, and will get some stuff each year until it has enuff.

    I actually got some apples on my crab apple tree this year; what a nice surprise as they said it may take 3 years and it only took two, but only a few on there yet. I am so glad that we got some more this year, as they need it to fruit the trees well. I lost so many from lack of water the last two years. It is so strange becuz we never lacked for water in the past, just the last two years for some reason; hope that changes back for good this year.

    DH wants to get a couple of loads of topsoil in our lot as he thinks that will help them retain a bit more water and grow better. We were glad that the trees we planted this spring are doing well; now we pray that they will make it over the winter.

    Most of my flowers and bushes are blossoming right now; am just waiting on the painted daisies which the buds are coming up now and the bluebells which will be coming soon, I hope. I have been doing some research on the net too and made a list of some more perennials that I want to try and find.

    We're having wild pacific salmon for dinner; I actually cooked it earlier to reheat in the microwave. Will have salads with that too likely. Had a vegetarian kind of lunch today; just changing things up a bit. I had a nice big crunchy salad with some beans and a .5 slice of bran bread.

    Have a great day ...