Ideal Protein Chat week of June 21-27

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  • new thread I think. Never done this before.
  • well in that case GOOD JOB!


    Hope your work outs are coming along nicely
  • Quote: well in that case GOOD JOB!


    Hope your work outs are coming along nicely
    Hi Elizabeth. Second one went really well, we still did squats etc but it actually helped release the pain, he might have gone easier on me though. I have 3rd session on Tuesday, basically twice a week: tuesday and fridays.

    I am really blah though, for whatever reason, it being the crappy weather of northwest OR TOM starting next week or who knows. Would rather crawl up into a ball and go back under the covers.
  • Quote: Hi Elizabeth. Second one went really well, we still did squats etc but it actually helped release the pain, he might have gone easier on me though. I have 3rd session on Tuesday, basically twice a week: tuesday and fridays.

    I am really blah though, for whatever reason, it being the crappy weather of northwest OR TOM starting next week or who knows. Would rather crawl up into a ball and go back under the covers.
    trust me, the more you work out the more it will become second nature to you...hang in there and push through the rough times, soon enough you will be wondering how you lived without it so long! hehehehe
  • Hey everyone I got asked to do a guest post on someones blog and I included NEW PROGRESS PICS!!!

    Check it out if ya want:

    The Fat Kid's on a mission: Building Jordanna v2.0
  • Quote: Hey everyone I got asked to do a guest post on someones blog and I included NEW PROGRESS PICS!!!

    Check it out if ya want:

    The Fat Kid's on a mission: Building Jordanna v2.0
    you look AMAZING Jordanna
  • Quote: Hey everyone I got asked to do a guest post on someones blog and I included NEW PROGRESS PICS!!!

    Check it out if ya want:

    The Fat Kid's on a mission: Building Jordanna v2.0
    Great job, Jordanna! Love the way you write.

    I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. Yesterday I participated in a fundraiser called the Walk, Roll & Run for Roger's House, which is a wonderful children's respite and palliative care facility here in Ottawa. My goal was to raise $500; however, I beat it and collected $630!! My parents and five-year-old son walked with me and we had a great time. The sun was shining and I must admit that it felt good to get out there in a tank top and shorts (can't remember the last time I said that!!) and not feel horribly out of place or self-conscious next to the skinny folk. All the talk on this forum about running and/or walking has really got me thinking that I'd like to give it a try. I'm on holidays for the first two weeks of July, so I think I might start the routine then. I have so much more energy and desire to do things's amazing how much the extra weight weighs you down physically and emotionally!! Since I only weighed in last Wednesday, I'm probably not going to have that great a showing tonight (my regularly scheduled WI)...gonna have to be extra good this week!!!
  • Quote: Hey everyone I got asked to do a guest post on someones blog and I included NEW PROGRESS PICS!!!

    Check it out if ya want:

    The Fat Kid's on a mission: Building Jordanna v2.0
  • Has anyone tried the slender wine? I remember reading that someone had. I have it today and am not sure if I want to try it. It says zero sugar, zero carb and 150 cal per 5 oz.

    what is the consensus out there?

    I am really getting sick of this and want to be done with the extra 7 pounds. I know that this is only 150 calories and I can walk a couple of miles an dbe done with it BUT what is the consensus as to weather we believe its really zero sugar or not.

  • Quote: Hey everyone I got asked to do a guest post on someones blog and I included NEW PROGRESS PICS!!!

    Check it out if ya want:

    The Fat Kid's on a mission: Building Jordanna v2.0
    JORDANNA: The guest post you wrote was awesome!! And your pix are just wonderful....again you are such an inspiration!!!!!

    Had WI this morning and only down 1.2 lbs, my coach suggested that I do boot camp...has anyone had success with boot camp shaking the body up and having bigger weight loses???
    I am going to start walking 30 min. every day and look into starting Yoga.
    Any suggestions would be welcome!!!
  • Quote: JORDANNA: The guest post you wrote was awesome!! And your pix are just wonderful....again you are such an inspiration!!!!!

    Had WI this morning and only down 1.2 lbs, my coach suggested that I do boot camp...has anyone had success with boot camp shaking the body up and having bigger weight loses???
    I am going to start walking 30 min. every day and look into starting Yoga.
    Any suggestions would be welcome!!!
    I am a big Boot Camp fan! I've only been on IP for 4 weeks so I can't tell you if the boot camp has made a difference, but I love the feeling after finishing a rigorous routine! enjoy it!

    Original Quote:
    AS for me: my brother was here for a day and he hadn't seen me in close to 18 months, I heard him over the phone telling his wife that I am half the size I used to be he is a know it all BUT after disussing the diet with him, he actually o.k ed it which was surprising to me. He ONLY had problems with our potassium/cal and cal/mag suppliments. He gave me pointers, he basically said the same thing as my doc re potassium pills, he said its not too much BUT and its a big BUT the potassium needs to be in slow release format, that this way it might too much pot released to my body quickly and could cause heart problems soon enough (what my doc had said too) so he basically told me about couple of options to try out. Also, he said the the calcium ones are not that good, he said I could get much better stuff over the counter and that it would be best if they had vit D included with the pill and its best to take calcium-citrate and not carbonate.

    Can you tell me more about your brother's recommendations on the Calcium, Magnessium and Potassium supplements. I try to take them per instructions - Pot/Cal with breakfast, Cal/Mag with dinner and Cal/Mag for snack either before dinner or after dinner depending on my hunger, BUT sometimes i forget so I catch up at night before going to bed and take them all at once. I don't want to hurt my heart more than I already have by being overweight.

    so some good vibes came my way last night on the plane flying home, the gent next to me offered me a drink. I politely declined and said I am on a weightloss program and cannot drink alcohol. He replied by saying I am a beautiful woman and he can't imagine me wanting to lose more weight. felt good!

    hugs to all! dina
  • Quote: JORDANNA: The guest post you wrote was awesome!! And your pix are just wonderful....again you are such an inspiration!!!!!

    Had WI this morning and only down 1.2 lbs, my coach suggested that I do boot camp...has anyone had success with boot camp shaking the body up and having bigger weight loses???
    I am going to start walking 30 min. every day and look into starting Yoga.
    Any suggestions would be welcome!!!

    I have had weeks that I didn't loose much or nothing, including last week. My coach also mentioned this but I know that I look forward to my dinner so much that not having that would be very depressing for me. She also told me that she had tried it while on IP and all it did for her was to make her feel hungry all the time.

    I am not sure, you know I think we are already abusing our bodies way too much as is and this might push things over the edge. Ofcourse I say all of this by not having have tried it at all.

    DietFrenzy: all he said was that the pills are tablets so they dissolve very quickly and that 800 mgs of potassium being released all of a sudden is too much for the body and in some cases it could cause cardiac arrest. He said its not that 800 mgs is too much but that its too much all of a sudden say within 30 mins or so. He suggested buying extended release format of the pills, he said they are not very expensive at all. My GP had told me the same about a month ago and since then I had been taking them every other day but apparently that is the not the right thing to do either.

    about the calcium/Mag ones: he said its best to have the calcium in the form of calcium citrate and not carbonate which I think what is our IP pills. He said in the carbonate form, most of it will not be absorbed by the body but that in citrate form it will. He actually suggested Caltrate brand and said costco has them very cheap.

    hope that helps.
  • Quote: JORDANNA: The guest post you wrote was awesome!! And your pix are just wonderful....again you are such an inspiration!!!!!

    Had WI this morning and only down 1.2 lbs, my coach suggested that I do boot camp...has anyone had success with boot camp shaking the body up and having bigger weight loses???
    I am going to start walking 30 min. every day and look into starting Yoga.
    Any suggestions would be welcome!!!
    I go to yoga two to three times a week. I LOVE IT! its relaxing, but you're working out atthe same time. And, it's a good routine for while you're on this diet, because it doesn't increase your heart rate. It actually calms it down (at least after the first few session) I suggest you try a couple different studios, most will give youa free trial session, and find a studio and instructor you love!!
  • Hi Everyone..I am new to this forum. Been reading it daily..just haven't posted anything. I started IP on June 2 and have weighed in twice. My first week I lost 7.4 lbs and my 2nd week lost 4.2. I am excited to see what I have done this week. I am curious as to what "Boot Camp" is. Can someone enlighten me?
  • Quote: Hi,

    I have had weeks that I didn't loose much or nothing, including last week. My coach also mentioned this but I know that I look forward to my dinner so much that not having that would be very depressing for me. She also told me that she had tried it while on IP and all it did for her was to make her feel hungry all the time.

    I am not sure, you know I think we are already abusing our bodies way too much as is and this might push things over the edge. Ofcourse I say all of this by not having have tried it at all.

    DietFrenzy: all he said was that the pills are tablets so they dissolve very quickly and that 800 mgs of potassium being released all of a sudden is too much for the body and in some cases it could cause cardiac arrest. He said its not that 800 mgs is too much but that its too much all of a sudden say within 30 mins or so. He suggested buying extended release format of the pills, he said they are not very expensive at all. My GP had told me the same about a month ago and since then I had been taking them every other day but apparently that is the not the right thing to do either.

    about the calcium/Mag ones: he said its best to have the calcium in the form of calcium citrate and not carbonate which I think what is our IP pills. He said in the carbonate form, most of it will not be absorbed by the body but that in citrate form it will. He actually suggested Caltrate brand and said costco has them very cheap.

    hope that helps.
    Thank You!!! yes, this helps. What I might do is cut the pot/cal pills in half or quarters and take them throughout the day instead of all at once int he AM. I checked the cal/mag pills i bought from IP and it looks like they are in citrate form, so i am good to go there.