Hair loss an weightloss?

  • I'm losing a ton of hair. Luckily, I had 20 tons to start with, so it isn't really noticeable to anyone but me. But I know I'm losing way more than "normal." Last night I ran my hands through my hair a few times and got a pile of hair. I decided to count the strands, and there were around 75. I lose piles of hair that size many times a day. For example, I combed my hair today before my shower so I wouldn't clog the drain. I got a pile. I combed my hair in the shower while washing out the conditioner, and got another pile, as well as having to clean out the drain at the end of the shower. Then I combed it again after I towel dried it - and I was still losing hair. I got a little pile that time. I have no doubt that if I ran my hands through my hair right now, I'd lose another pile or so. So, I guess my question is - is this normal with weight loss? Has anyone else who hasn't had weight loss surgery had this happen? I've lost almost 70lbs in 9 months, which is a lot of weight, but not excessively fast. I never drop lower than 1200 calories, and I usually stick at around 1600. I eat plenty of protein and probably more fat than most "dieters" who aren't doing low carb. I'm not neglecting any food groups. I'm not tracking individual vitamins and minerals, but I also take a multivitamin as extra insurance against deficiencies.

    So, anyone else?
  • My first 3 months included a loss of 75 lbs (of course it stalled after that). I've never lost hair myself but some people report it. I've always followed a low fat type diet as well.

    Have you talked to your doctor about it?
  • I lose hair now when i never did. But its not clumps and clumps. Im not sure what kind of advice to give. If your worried about it consult a dr. I have heard its common.
  • I am losing a TON too! But like you, I had a full head to begin with. I had a baby 10 months ago, and the Doc said that it is completely normal for the first year to lose more than usual. If you did not have a baby, I don't know what to tell you. But TAKE your VITAMINS! It will help the new stuff grow back and your nails will look FABULOUS!
    Good luck!
  • Quote: My first 3 months included a loss of 75 lbs
    Curious, how did you lose so much so fast? That's pretty awesome!
  • Have you had your thyroid checked? A low functioning thyroid can cause hair loss. I have also read that low iron levels can cause this.
  • I'm supposed to do annual blood work sometime between now and when I see my doctor next month, so hopefully that will tell if there's anything totally out of wack (I'm pretty sure the lab sheet had thyroid at least listed.)
  • Quote: Curious, how did you lose so much so fast? That's pretty awesome!
    I started at just over 360 lbs I was also doing weight lifting and started including lots of veggies in my diet.

    Although I'll say I'm not sure if it was that initial fast weight loss that did it but I also did develop gall stones which were discovered after I lost about 100 lbs.
  • As a mother of 6, I can definitely tell you that hormonal changes can cause hairloss. After each child, I lost TONS of hair, but any kind of hormonal change can bring this about. Your body is going through some big changes, but if you are concerned, be sure to have it checked out.
  • I lost hair at first... now after I've been at it for a while it's thicker than ever. My guess is it will balance out and you will get regrowth of the lost hair. If you are really worried about it consult your doctor. It could be a sign of other things and you not know it.

    (I did consult my doctor when I started losing my hair and he told me it was perfectly normal during the early stages of weight loss.)
  • I was actually going to post this exact same thread today I have lost a ton of hair too. Its really noticeable now and when I make a pony tail, you can see my scalp in places. Its been worrying me a lot lately. Every time I have a shower, I lose small bundles of hair and my brushes are always full. I thought it was my blood pressure medication because it can cause hair loss but I have been off it for a few months thanks to the weight loss but the hair just keeps coming out. I take vitamins and eat enough healthy fats too. I have also had my thyroid checked and all is well. I hope we both find a solution soon!
  • Quote: Have you had your thyroid checked? A low functioning thyroid can cause hair loss. I have also read that low iron levels can cause this.

    I am in the same boat even thought I am taking women's vitamins. Will consider taking extra iron and see if that help.