
  • Hi, everyone. I am new...again. A few years ago I was a very active member of this thread, but...well, life happened.

    A bit about me:

    I have an under-active thyroid, which makes losing weight a major pain in the rear. Previously, I have lost around 40-50 lbs in a little over a year's time. I was always counting calories and exercising, and it was incredibly disheartening to lose so little weight while working so hard. I kept at it, though.

    And then I was in a disastrous relationship. Not good for me, physically or mentally. All of the sudden I was going through a divorce and constantly stressed and dieting went out the window. I am not much of an emotional eater - when I am really stressed or under a lot of pressure, I tend to NOT eat at all. Which is a terrible thing in its own way...just on the opposite side of the spectrum than many deal with. When I was finally able to eat again, my body was in shock and I quickly gained back a lot of the weight I had struggled so hard to lose. Obviously that was depressing. I stopped trying, I spent a lot of time feeling bad for myself, and I was a wreak.

    Fast forward a year, and I was able to rediscover myself. I was no longer trying constantly to make a miserable person happy, and destroying myself in the process. I was no longer under constant scrutiny and being talked down to all the time. I took some time to remember what makes ME happy, and what I need. I rebuilt my life, and was finally able to be happy just being me.

    By some miracle, and really it is a miracle, I stumbled across someone who would turn out to be my soul mate. With him I have discovered a whole new meaning to the words "happy" and "whole."

    So here I am today. Young (relatively), married to someone who completes me in every way, and fat. I am happy about the first two, not so much the last. Which is why I am here. I know emotional support is a key element in losing weight. Especially for me, because lord do I ever struggle when I am trying to lose weight. Thanks to my stupid thyroid (and the fact that the past 3 doctors I have been to say it's too "borderline" to do anything about - oh, is THAT why I constantly have a running temp of below 97 degrees and have a miserably slow metabolism?!), I know this will be a long, painful journey. I also know that it's possible. It'll just take longer for me than it does for some others.

    So that's pretty much me in a nutshell. I look forward to seeing you guys around the forum!
  • Good for you for coming back! I have taken some time off myself and recently returned.

    I'm so glad to hear that you are in a much happier and healthier place in your life. You know we will all be here for you on your journey.

    One little note about your thyroid problems. I also have a "slow" thyroid, but like you am borderline so there is not much that the doctors will do. However, my doctor prescribed Adipex for me about 2 months ago (you can only take it for about that length of time) and it was just what my body needed to jumpstart my metabolism a bit and help in that initial weight loss. Now I'm on track and losing at a healthy rate with only exercise and healthier eating. Some doctors will not prescribe it because they believe that weight loss should only be done with diet and exercise, but I say phooey. Sometimes your body needs a jumpstart. If your doctor will not prescribe this or you are not interested, my friend (who also has a sluggish thyroid) had some luck with Hydroxycut drink mix.

    Good luck and keep visiting us!
  • Thanks, that is really good to know! I am in the process of finding a new doctor (a female would be nice...), and I will have to mention that to them! I agree - diet and exercise are the only sure fire ways to lose weight. There is no miracle cure. But when your thyroid is slow and your metabolism is crawling, it can be really discouraging to work as hard as the next girl, and see half the results!

    I'm not expecting the fat to melt away - Rome wasn't built in a day... But cutting your normal caloric intake by more than half and struggling to lose two pounds? Come on!
  • Welcome back! I have done the same thing...I started here in 2007, came back in 2008 and again in 2009! It is wonderful that you have found your true love! Anything seems possible when you have someone by your side!
  • I hope you find a doctor that will team up with you to help you meet your weight loss goals! Good luck.
  • MissBliss - So true, so true! I am so thankful to have his support, and the support of so many awesome people on 3FC!

    renstwin - Me, too!
  • Welcome Back!!! I, too, have disappeared from 3FC a couple times in the past and know how hard it can be to start back up, Congratulations on making some big steps towards reaching your goals!