Double cake victory

  • So, I hit my personal redline and I've been onplan for 13 days to try to get my sexy jeans comfy again.

    Today was a coworker's birthday, they were having cake. It was a gorgeous cake, lots of whipped cream frosting and big curls of chocolate shaving all around the edge - my kind of cake! I showed up, sang happy birthday and took off when they started cutting the cake, patting myself on the back for avoiding temptation.

    A coworker actually brought a piece of cake to my desk and tried to push it on me THREE times! I almost took it just to throw it away.

    But yay me - turning it down the first time was tough, but a piece of cut cake, waved beneath my nose, in the privacy of my own office (no one has to know!)...that was a HUGE victory.

    (caveat - as a maintainer, in a non weight critical moment, I might have planned to eat the cake and eaten it happily - this was NOT THAT TIME)
  • Good for you!!! It's birthday season at my office right now and I've been having to say no to cake on a weekly basis for the last fee weeks. It hasn't been quite as hard as I expected. Now the tricky part is my birthday is next Monday...but I'm in crunch mode right now trying to get these last 10 lbs off so I'm kinda thinking no cake for me this year. The girl in charge of getting cakes will be out of the office next week so I'm thinking I'll just keep quite and everyone will forget
  • You did so great! I've had that same thing happen to me at an office, when someone insists on putting cake on your desk. They had to know about your
    weight loss progress and goals. It's just downright rude to do that to you.
    I think it's kind of passive-agressive behaviour from someone who is probably jealous of your loss.
  • Well, to be fair, I moved here 3 years ago, after maintenance. It's a bit of a relief not to be the "former fat girl" - I rarely bring it up. I'm sure, to my coworkers I am just a normal person who doesn't worry about her weight.
  • Great job, Glory! Wonderful self-control.
  • HUGE cake victory!!!
    for me, the devil is in the ice cream cake!
  • Nice job!!! Yes, the public gatherings are not hard for me...but when I'm alone in the kitchen and the leftover cake is sitting on the counter... that's when it gets hard for me. So kudos to you!
  • Great Job Glory!!!! As I read your post I'd really hoped that you'd almost taken the cake on the 3rd attempt by the clueless cake offerer so you could think about mushing it in her face. Yes, I am evil. I didn't say I wanted you to do it, just to think about it. 3 times!!!! You are a goddess!
  • Great job, Glory!

    I had to use my secret technique to avoid junk at work today. Someone came and waved some cake in front of me and said, "There's a whole lot of it in the break room, go get some!" I said, I'll get some later. Then I went back to my desk and tried not to think about the cake. The secret technique is that if I do that, by the time I succumb to temptation and go back to the break room to get the cake, it's all gone already! Worked like a charm today. OTOH, I'm hungry, but better to be hungry and eat healthy when I get home than to not be hungry and eat junk now.
  • Good for you Glory! Sometimes passing up the cake is all it takes to feel like a million bucks again!

    Last Friday we met some friends at a restaurant for a birthday supper. I really didn't think about there being a cake because it was a sports bar/grill. But the Grandma of the Birthday boy brought a cake, (that looked horrible). It was a cake mix with some sort of dried up candy sprinkled over the top. I knew I was saving up for Sunday lunch, and there was no way I was going to eat THAT when I knew what goodies lay ahead on Sunday. The Grandma asked me to cut the cake for her, (WHY ME when my family of 4 were the only people out of 20 that were not related to the rest?) Oh, and then a few people waved it under my nose and made the yummmm, noises. The difference in my situation is that they are all overweight people and KNOW the work I have done to maintain a big loss. So they were just being jerks. (And I really think it ticks them off when I don't crumble, like the cake)
  • I am guessing I would have taken it the 3rd time and thrown it in the trash in front of her.

    Good Job!
  • Bravo!! Nicely done!!
  • Quote: Great job, Glory!

    I had to use my secret technique to avoid junk at work today. Someone came and waved some cake in front of me and said, "There's a whole lot of it in the break room, go get some!" I said, I'll get some later. Then I went back to my desk and tried not to think about the cake. The secret technique is that if I do that, by the time I succumb to temptation and go back to the break room to get the cake, it's all gone already! Worked like a charm today. OTOH, I'm hungry, but better to be hungry and eat healthy when I get home than to not be hungry and eat junk now.
    I use this trick too! Great job on avoiding the cake Glory! And Lori, those people waving the yucky looking cake under your nose were just being plain old mean. This week at work, one of my co-workers brought in a homemade chocolate cake with a homemade dark chocolate frosting to die for. I waited for it to be gone but on the second day I did allow myself a skinny sliver and it was worth every bite!