Half-way, how things change when you're half-way

  • Today is my half-way point for the year. I started changing things December 14 and today makes it six months. I can't believe how fast it went by, I blinked then it was June. One hundred and eighty-two days exactly and how things have changed.
    I've lost 56 pounds and everything is easier. Walking up and down the stairs, driving in the car, sitting in a chair, working, exercise...it's all better. Sex is better, holy cow, is sex better. Maybe that was TMI but yeah it's true. Life is just better.
    I find myself doing things I never would have done six months ago, yesterday for example, I bought myself very expensive perfume and it felt so good, I did that because I wanted to, no other reason, just that simple. I can't remember the last time my emotions weren't entangled with a million other things, it's very liberating.
    It changes you and then you change everyone around you, wether you mean to or not, it just happens. I'm happier with myself, with life and it ripples outward. My kids have lost weight, my non-overweight daughter is making better choices, and Saturday my husband declared that he felt fat. I chuckled, for a long time.
    This is the longest I've ever been consistent, it's not always easy, some days are better than others. It's my busy season at work right now so finding time for exercise is hard but not impossible. So many things don't feel impossible anymore, when did that happen? I can't remember exactly but I don't want to go back to how it was.
    Six more months, six more months till it's a year. A year that could show a 100 pound loss, maybe more. And it all started with Day 1.
    The biggest lesson I've learned, Everyone screws up, one mistake is not rationale for giving up and going buck wild. Failure truly does not exsist, if we keep pushing forward, success is only a matter of time.
  • congrats! wtg! you are doing a great job!!!!!! Keep up the good work.
  • Congratulations!
  • Very awesome and super insight! Thanks! I started almost 2 months ago...and I know you're right 6 months will happen in the blink of an eye. I was truly happy this weekend too...for me it was just doing something that I wanted to do and it all worked out how I planned. That was a fantastic feeling. So happy for you! Keep up the great work!
  • COngratulations! You are an inspiration! Woo Hoo!
  • Congratulations!!!! Keep up the hard work cos it gets better.lol
  • Congratulations on your success! Your progress is so encouraging. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I know you'll be at your goal in no time.

  • What a great story and congratulations on the huge loss!
  • WTG! Great way to look at it! It all began with day 1! I love it...you're an inspiration. Thank you for sharing!
  • WTG! That's awesome I'm just starting but you're a HUGE inspiration!
  • Congratulations on losing almost 60 pounds!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing this. It's exactly what I needed to see right now as I am preparing for my workout tonight.
  • Congrats! It's great to hear things like that!
  • Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the kind words and for your voices of encouragement. It's nice to be a point where I can encourage others. I'm thankful for Heather, Barb, Deb, Carol, Aggie, and Learning, they are my source of inspiration and keep me motivated to move forward. I look at them and are in awe of what they have accomplished, to think that I'm on my way to reaching the same level as them is so AWESOME!!!
    To all the new faces-I'm looking forward to getting to know you and accompaning you on your journey.
    It works if you work it.