Are these abs?

  • Or, well... Ab. I was doing my Billy Blanks Ab Bootcamp tape and when I was done, I sucked in my stomach like you do for exercises, and I noticed something I've never seen before. Like a shelf, an indent in my stomach, clear definition. Under some fat, but still there. Is that...holycrap, are those abs? It looks freakish now, but I can see how it COULD be if I lost the big stomach. I'm just so excited and I've been working so hard I'd love if it were abs.
  • LOL that IS exciting! I've never seen my abs as far as I can remember! GFY...keep up the good work!
  • hahaha i would wonder what it was too. I forget that i have abs under fat haha
  • That is awesome. I don't think i've ever felt/seen mine, someday i will.
  • Abs under flab = Flabs. That's what I have.
  • Quote: hahaha i would wonder what it was too. I forget that i have abs under fat haha
    lol it was really strange. I just kept like...I don't know the word, flexing it? Like "holy crap that looks...GROSS LOL WHAT IS THAT?" But then I felt around as I was doing it and sure enough, you could feel the muscles under it tightening. Even if it isn't abs, I'm going to call it that, because it makes me feel good and
  • My abs are defined, and they do look like what you are describing. I remember when I was shedding the light fat layer over them, I could always see them when I did side bends—just like rows of shelves. Now I can see them all the time.
  • Quote: My abs are defined, and they do look like what you are describing. I remember when I was shedding the light fat layer over them, I could always see them when I did side bends—just like rows of shelves. Now I can see them all the time.
    Sweet! I haven't shed much fat yet, but I can definitely see them and feel them. How far down do they usually go? (apparently I know nothing of human anatomy) lol I can only see/feel them above my belly button.