Getting out of the 190's

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  • While I was posting in the "The Onederland Express" thread I brought up the idea of a Getting out of the 190's thread. So here it is. I am hoping that the 190's go as fast as the 200's did. Who will join me???
  • I decided to go a fruit and veggie week. So far this week it has been going good.
  • Im down for getting out of the 190's . . . . starting my fruit and veg tomorrow actually, weird. Monday is still technically my weekend, and since it's the 31st, figure I'll have my stew tonight and tomorrow I wont feel so tempted to eat it

    Good luck to you!
  • I want to get out of the 190's, havent' been out of those in 19 yrs.
    My goal for June is to lose 10 lbs which will take me there. Ya'll are great inspiration!!

    Are ya'll only eating fruits and veggies?
  • Not for the whole month, not me anyways . . . I've noticed after a month that I'm not exactly impressed with myself with my food choices, if I start out for a week give or take, doing mainly fruits and veg I end up doing a lot better and feeling a lot better.
    Just a personal prefference.
  • I to have not been eating too right here lately. So I started on Sunday and I am going to do it until Friday (with the fruits and veggies). I want to eat very healthy for a while to get me back into the grove.
  • Coon - you will have to let me know how the fruit and veggie week is going for you.

    Oh 2 be me - Hopefully getting out of the 190's goes by quick for you.

    Weighed in this morning at 197.6!! Man I love typing in the 1 instead of a 2!!!
  • I need help to get out of the 190's.. I am stuck at 193 to 194 for almost 2 weeks...come on 189
  • Just peeking in. I have my sights set on joining this thread!
  • I'm so glad I made it here!!! But I hope I don't stick around too long!
  • Welcome everyone. Hope everyones Journey here in the 190's is a short one. I am really looking forward to every lb lost now that I am only 47lbs away from my final goal!!!
  • Good Morning all, After another now modified version of the fruit and veggie week I stepped on the scale and was 196.4. That means I have lost now 140.2 lbs. I am so excited. I am blowing out of the 190s..Cant wait to start the getting out of the 180s thread!!!

    Hope everyone is having a good scale week!!!
  • 192.0 this morning...hope it keeps going down!! finally
  • Way to go Terre.. Once you hit the 189 mark you will have to start the getting out of the 180s thread!!!
  • Quote: Way to go Terre.. Once you hit the 189 mark you will have to start the getting out of the 180s thread!!!
    Thanks! Thats a great idea. I will if no one has started it by the time i get there. I get stuck so I still may be here a while lol