what's your workout routine?

  • I think it's time we all come together and come up with workout routines that we can all follow. Since everyone's schedules are completely different, just post some details about your day and what resources you have to workout. Personally, I am not a "gym" person. I don't like working out in front of anyone else.

    Mine: I work 3 days out of the week. 2-12 hour shifts and 1- 8 hour shift. Overnights.

    I live with my hubby and his family. Pretty much confined to one bedroom.

    I have an elliptical that I try to run on everyday.

    We have a large yard and plenty of space outside.

    My biggest problem right now, is I need a new workout routine because all i pretty much do is just run on the elliptical when I feel like it.
    I need some ideas on new stuff to try that will keep me wanting to work out.
  • I run/jog outside, 4 miles, 5 times per week (approx. 40 minues). I have become somewhat addicted because it naturally maintains my weight and it is better than all anti-depressants (for me). Maybe try moving your workout outside....
  • I'm also a runner 3x a week and I've also added Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. When I'm done with the shred I'll just continue with some other form of weight training.
  • I do circuit training 5x a week and walk/run 4x a week or more if I can squeeze it in.
  • I use an exercise ball 3 times a week and I'll do pushups, sit ups, side curls, etc etc on it.
    I find it absolutely amazing.
    And then trying to start 3 times a week doing deep water running.
    Woo wooooo!
  • I'm not a gym person either, so I have to fit in my exercise in the evenings once I get off work.

    Mondays - Thursdays and Saturdays I usually walk / jog 3-4 miles, which usually takes me 45 minutes to an hour to do. I just jog on the streets by my house, one of which has a steep hill which gives me an extra workout. After I get done jogging I go bicycle riding for usually about 30 minutes or so.

    Fridays are my day off.

    Sundays I just go bicycle riding on a 5 mile path by my house. I was surprised when I first started how much biking works different muscles then jogging - it really wore me out at first! Especially hills. :/

    I was doing DVDs during winter like the 30 Day Shred and Yoga videos, but I really don't like them too much. I'd rather be outside in the fresh air --- it's really relaxing and you get addicted to it after a while!
  • I agree with the ladies above- working out outside is where it's at ! I LOVE being outside so I do a lot of walking/running in addition to some circuit training. I make up my own circuits and do them at home, usually 3-4 times a week. I have a set of 5lb weights and a timer and that's all the equipment I use. I do a lot of body weight training (like push-ups, squats, lunges, plank stuff) and plyometrics (jumping around like crazy) and I throw in cardio intervals (invisible jump roping, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, etc.). It works for me and is free, which is the best part . When I really don't have the motivation to get through my own workout, I'll do one of Jillian Michaels' DVD's.
  • I had been jogging 6 days a week and strength training 3x a week. On Saturday, however, I started p90x, so my workouts are going to be those videos. I am happy to be inside for awhile, because it is too hot outside now to be jogging.
  • Certainly not a gym person at all.

    My current work out routine is Slim in 6. I'll be done with that on June 11th, so after that I plan on exercising 3-4 times a week doing various activities.

    I love to take long walks, especially in the woods/hiking. I plan on continuing with my resistance bands and certain other exercises such as pilates (I LOVE pilates) and the tread mill (I like a fast walk at an incline- hate running).

    Being summer, I'm going to try to fit a lot of swimming in as well.

    And I've always done a lot of outdoor work. I do somewhere around 6 hours of push mowing a week in addition to the ride on tractor. I also have quite a few flower beds and two veggie gardens- one 10x17 and the other 100x100. So, I have a lot of maintenance to keep up with-hee!

    My advice is just to do things you normally love that are also healthy for you- that you don't think of to be "exercise". Mix this in with some more disciplined efforts and it'll keep it interesting.
  • I walk every night. I think starting tomorrow I'm going to start weight lifting. I'm also saving up for an elliptical.
  • Ive never even stepped foot inside of a gym except when I was like 12 and my sister went. Hoping to join a gym once I move to Chicago.

    Currently my workout routine is..
    - C25K Mon,Wed,Fri usually followed with a longer cool down walk
    - Chalean Extreme Mon,Wed,Thurs,Friday,Sat
    - 15-30 mile bike ride on Sunday mornings
  • This was my workout at my gym today...it's non traditional and this kind of workout keeps me motivated! It changes everyday, so I never get bored! We have 8 machines and some circuits use them..they're all free motion machines. Also have air dyne bikes which I *love*

    15 dumb bell swings
    20 push ups
    100 skips
    10 figure 8 lunges (e/s)
    15 pushups
    50 air squats
    100 skips
    15 arnold thrusters
    10 burpees
    30 mountain climbers (e/s)
    7 manmakers
    20 weighted punces (e/s)
    15 bag flips
    50 GHD situps

    ALL X3
  • mmm just walking for 30 mins at least even tho ive been lazy the last couple days and taebos....and dont laugh but i went to goodwill and got some pilates tapes and dvds for like 2 bucks each...also asked my aunt who lent me some taebo dvds....just ask your family or friends and someone might have a tape or dvd you can borrow to do in your room