Going home

  • I feel like I have come pretty far in the past couple of months when it comes to facing my issues with food, but I am going to stay with my parents for the weekend for the first time since March and I'm a little nervous because going back home almost always incites the deep urge to binge in the middle of the night. I'll have limited internet access, but I will still try and check in while I'm there. Any tips for staying on track at my parents' house? Anyone deal with the same issues?
  • when i go home i offer to cook. i love my parents cooking but it often envolved high cal/fat foods. My parent's never mind handing over the reins and we end up with a healthier meal. Also try to explain to your family that you're on the right track and it would be easier for you if they didn't keep junk food in plain view or worse.. offer it to you!! that's the biggest challenge i face at home!
  • I just saw your post and hope that this weekend is going ok for you. I know I had a very similar fear about "going back home." I actually had to move back home with my parents this fall and was really worried for the same reasons you mentioned. Luckily, it has not been nearly as bad as I had feared. I think I built it up a lot in my head. I liked the idea of suggesting to cook. I think trying to stay busy and have something to do with your hands always helps as well.
  • As long as you associate binging with undoing the hard work you've done to lose the weight you shouldn't have much difficulty stopping yourself.
  • Oh man, I wish stopping a binge was as easy as reminding myself about my goals and progress I've made. I don't know about the OP, but for me, that's never enough.

    I live with my parents while I'm still in school, and it is a constant battle, but I've just learned to cook for myself. Ask what's being made, try to plan ahead, and most of all, honor your hunger. These are strategies I've been trying. I hope the weekend went well for you!
  • It's actually been the complete opposite for me. My binges have drastically decreased now that I am back home. The same opportunities I had to binge don't exist anymore. I can't buy or eat ridiculous amounts of food without someone noticing and I would never out-right binge in front of someone.

    I hope everything went okay bama girl.