100lbs gone and counting

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  • Well, I have to say I feel very brave posting these photos and kind of scared to do so. I have lost 100lbs in the last 15 months. I have been living and working in Geoje Island, South Korea during this time. I attribute my weight loss so far to a variety of factors. Being in a country that does not fry all their food is a great advantage. But, in all seriousness, I attribute my weight loss so far to 3fc calorie counting chicks, biggest loser challenges, hard work, exercise, and determination. I am going home for the first time in a year and a half in just 43 days and I will be seeing my family and friends for the first time since I have been gone.

    For all of those out there, whether you have a little weight to lose or a lot of weight my advice to you is just do something. You have to start somewhere. For me, it was adjusting my food choices and portion control. From there, I moved on to joining a gym I love and working out with a personal trainer 3 times a week.

    1st picture- My sister's wedding December 2008
    2nd picture- College picture
    3rd picture- August 2009
    4th and 5th picture- May 2010

    I hope these pictures can bring a little inspiration to myself and to others. to my 3fc family!

  • OMG! You look fantastic. Your family will be shocked. You have done great! Congrats!
  • Congrats!! Wow!! You look fabulous!!!
  • You look great and you are such an inspiration. Your friends and family will be so happy to see you and so proud of your accomplishment. Keep it up and thanks for posting the pictures.
  • Wow Shan, way to go! 100 lbs lost is an incredible achievement, congrats!!
  • Amazing shan!!!!!!! Congrats you have come so far!!!!!!!!!!!
  • wow you look so amazing and small! Congrats on all of your success now and all the success you'll have in the future!
  • Very nice! Thanks for sharing.
  • Awesome, thanks for sharing and congrats!
  • Awesome job!! Congrats and wishing you all the best as you continue your journey. Also, how exciting it will be to see your family, and for them to see you!!
  • Weigh to go, Shan! And omg, Joannie and Onederchic, u girls are inspiring too!! There are tons of great stories I see on here. Love that all of you have joined the challenge. We need all the inspiration we can get. I love this place! Woohoo!!

    Bye for now! Gotta get bk to work!

    Hugs, Selina
  • Hey Good Lookin'! I can't wait to be where you are!
  • WAY TO GO SHAN!!! You're such an inspriation!!!! Thanks for posting pics...it's stories like this that keep me going!! YOU GO GIRL!!!
  • What fun surprising your family will be!!!
  • Congrats on the major loss! You look great and I'm sure the loss will be a pleasant surprise for your family.