Scale Foe....

  • First of all I just want to share that during my work out today(even if tech today was yesterday) I was on FIRE! I felt such a rush of energy and motivation to push myself. I felt so good!!!!

    I hope all of you had or have great work outs like that too!

    So one lesson i've been learning and believe more is the scale is not always your friend....

    the numbers don't mean the world to me anymore and they also dont show the whole picture! Some days your bloated, some days your fine. I have found myself feeling stronger, better, and smaller! I now like to go off of the way my jeans and tops feel, not so much what my most of the unfriendly scale says.

    Am I crazy to go this route? Do you go off of what your jeans tell you? How you feel? And how much can the scale really be trusted?
  • I've just recently started really gruelling (but good) exercise routines and I tend to stay away from the scale as often as i can... Coz i really dunno how much fat it burns but i feel great afterwards! So I weigh-in once a week.

    The scale is neither friend nor foe, it kinda sits on the fence

    I don't think i can trust my jeans either! lol
  • The way I look at it is that when we are not body aware, we never even think about getting on the scale. So, why should we be obsessed with it when all of a sudden we think it's a good idea?

    Stay away from the scale, LOL!
  • Yeah, I'm trying to stay away from the scale as much as possible - just weigh-in monthly. I have decided that for me it just isn't worth it to give such a little piece of equipment so much power over my life. As long as I am honest with myself, making healthy food choices, and exercising strongly, I will lose the weight I want to lose and be the person I know that I am!

    Btw, great job on the workout!!
  • Quote: The way I look at it is that when we are not body aware, we never even think about getting on the scale. So, why should we be obsessed with it when all of a sudden we think it's a good idea?
    See, this is exactly why I do weigh every day. I've noticed a tendacy for me to be more scared of the scale the longer I am away from it. And for me, not weighing a bad, bad idea because if I don't see a number, I don't hold myself accountable for bad choices I make. I have an extra 100 lbs. to show for my fear of the scale and fooling myself about how much I actually weighed.

    I think it's about balance. The scale can be a great tool and certainly keeps me from buring my head in the sand. But, it's a personal choice, and it's no where near the BEST measure of our success.

    The BEST measure of our success, as PP said, is how we feel. Everything else is just a great side benefit.
  • Quote:
    I've noticed a tendacy for me to be more scared of the scale the longer I am away from it.
    Me too. Those normal fluctuations up have less of a depressing impact when you are consistent about weighing in every day. If I didn't weigh in at all, I'd be more willing to make poor choices. The only time I don't want to get on the scale is when I know I've been doing poorly.
  • Oh, I love this post!! Yes, yes, yes!! This is what it's about! Awesome, feel-good workouts!!

    The only reason I now weigh at all, let alone daily, is because I plan on it being a part of my maintenance ritual. I can't imagine burying my head in the sand while standing on the scale every day. I'd love to ditch it, but in practicing for maintenance, I'm sticking with it.

    I try to look at the scale with amusement, and most of the time I can. I see TREMENDOUS body shape differences with one pound losses now. It's amazing. I put on a shirt this morning that was form fitting five pounds ago and now I'm close to saying I'm swimming in it. It feels all stretched out...but it's not!! It's me!
  • I'm trying to do both, strangely enough.

    My scale has not budged in over a week. In fact, i keep going up because of the amount of salt I'm eating; its finals weeks, so I'm eating out a lot...keeping it within my Points range, but the salt gets to me.

    However, even when the scale isn't moving, my clothes are fitting better or I'm wearing a smaller size. So I choose to focus on that right now, knowing the scale isn't moving because of salt and stress. So i can still get on the scale every day without freaking out because its just a number.

    If my clothes aren't feeling right, I'll deffer to the scale. Really, whatever is going to push me farther it ok with me
  • Cita and Matt--I can understand that and not having a huge surprise is always helpful...but for me its like torture because I want to see big results and I feel like I can get that more with not weighing in all the time. But everyone has their system!

    Eliana--I love when you saying you dont want to bury your head in the sand! I feel like thats what I did for so many years and then POOF I am 260! That sounds like a great plan!

    Ducky--Yes, I like to go off of my clothes too. I know when my fat man jeans are tight...I have to pay closer attention!

    Now when you do get on the scale and for you every day people.....Do you weigh at the same time of day? Day, evening? clothes on, off? etc? Whats your ritual?