I want to eat some BAD food

  • but I'm coming here instead. I've already had my snack and I'm not hungry but I feel like eating. I don't really care what I just want to eat something. Cookies, fast food, cake, pizza.. It's been awhile since I've felt this way and it's really frustrating me now... I think I'm going to go occupy myself by taking a hot bath with a book I'm ready. Hopefully by the time I'm done in there my mind will be free of the food..
  • Do you allow a cheat day at all? My husband and I are allowing one a week, but I am dropping it to once every other week instead.
    I keep low cal hot chocolate on hand for when I want something sweet that won't undo my day.

    Try the hot bath, paint your toenails, you know...spa night. Stay strong!
  • I'm right there with you! Today ive been thinking about a burger and sweet potato fries!
  • I do have a cheat day once a week after my official weigh in. After I orginally posted I realized that I'm due for TOM in about a week and it seems that for about a week before hand I get the munchies bad. If that's what this is I'm dreading the next few days!
  • Quote: I'm right there with you! Today ive been thinking about a burger and sweet potato fries!

    Now that sounds good!! I love sweet potato fries. I usually make them home made though and drizzle of EVOO on and the some rosemary and bake them. Yummy...
  • Quote: I do have a cheat day once a week after my official weigh in. After I orginally posted I realized that I'm due for TOM in about a week and it seems that for about a week before hand I get the munchies bad. If that's what this is I'm dreading the next few days!
    Off topic, but what do you eat on a cheat day?
  • I know the feeling. I've just made myself a nice sweet tea (with artificial sweetner) so hopefully that should curb by sweet cravings!
  • so close I can feel it!

    Your own words :-) You can do it. Glad you came here to post and hope by the time I am typing this that the urge to splurge has passed.

  • Quote: Off topic, but what do you eat on a cheat day?
    completely depends one what I'm doing that day. If I'm staying at home I'll cook something that isn't so "light" and have a yummy desert/snack in the evening. I either do that or we will go out for dinner that day. When we go out on a cheat day I allow myself to order whatever I feel like getting and then ONLY eat until I'm full and then I stop. I don't usually feel deprived of the "good" food though..I think almost 6 months of eating this way is really changing the kinds of food that I enjoy to eat..being the more healthy stuff.