I told that cake where to go!

  • Yep, today is my sons 5th birthday and i made him a cake. Now, normally i would be licking my fingers,the spoon and the bowl while making the cake. Well NOT TODAY...i even threw out what little bit was left over All i kept thinking about was my goal weight and how badly i want to reach it.

    So...i told that cake where to go
  • lol! Good for you!!
  • Well done Amelia!!!
    You are taking back your power. Keep up the good work.

  • Good job!
  • very good! i am always proud of myself when i say "no" to little bits of temptation. it feels a lot better than giving in!
  • Thanks guys, its the little victories right now that count for me. I have been struggling for a while now.
  • Congrats!
    My husband's birthday was last week and I bought him a single slice of grocery store cake instead of the usual 3 layer homemade one. It felt kind of odd, but it's a tradition I can get used to.
  • Very good, Amanda!!! Someone made chocolate on chocolate cake and brought it to work today. I simply pass by it everytime I go to the kitchen, onto my healthy food and snacks!!!
  • happy birthday to your little guy! My daughter will be 17 May 17th~may babies are so sweet But spoiled~LOL
    I hope u told that cake to go to Ohio to Lori I would like 1 tiny piece!LOL just kidding~GREAT JOB~AMELIA! I AM SO PROUD OF YA!!!
    Off to outdoors! HUGS!
  • It's small victories like this that can really keep you motivated! Good for you...I know all too well the lure of the leftover batter!