Military Fit Challenge

  • HERE IT IS these are the Airforce Basic Training PT standards.


    1 1/2 mile run : 13:56 min
    1 min: 27 pushups
    1 min: 50 situps


    1 1/2 mile run: 11:57
    1 min: 45 pushups
    1 min: 50 situps

    My goal is to be able to do these standards (even though my standards for Airforce outside of basic training are lower) in 2 months. I CHALLENGE you to meet military standards!!!!!
  • What age range are you posting the numbers for? I know for the Army, the standards changed as I got older. The number for the minimum dropped but my number to max out increased.
  • These standards are for graduating basic training. They are a set standard for graduating basic. When you get out of basic and get into your unit these standards will change and will continue to change with different age grougs.
  • Quote: These standards are for graduating basic training. They are a set standard for graduating basic. When you get out of basic and get into your unit these standards will change and will continue to change with different age grougs.
    Ahhh I see. It's been 11 years since I was in basic so I completely forgot that everyone has the same standard. Didn't you guys in the Air Force have to ride a bike or something like that? I remember being so completely jealous of Air Force standards when I was in the Army. I work for the Air Force now as a DOD Civilian and I never ever see those officers doing PT, but I guess it's just because of the field that I'm in. I know some of the Air Force guys have it tough though.

    What do you do in the Air Force?
  • Well no we dont have to ride a bike unless your on a waiver....the sad part is our military is getting lazy and are trying to be put on waivers to get out of doing PT....
  • Quote: Well no we dont have to ride a bike unless your on a waiver....the sad part is our military is getting lazy and are trying to be put on waivers to get out of doing PT....
    I couldn't have said that any better myself!
  • It really is sad....the ppl who are suppose to be able to defend our country and fight for us are not trying to stay in shape I know I slacked and I now can not pass my PT test but Im young and Im turning things around.....they are really starting to crack down on PT standards and discharging ppl who can not or will not stay in shape......which I personally think is awesome.