My Drive

  • I am new here my fiance' has been extremely supportive, eventhough he thinks I am beautiful already he has supported me in this effort. About 6 years ago I lost 75 lbs. I was so happy I could go into the skinny shops and pick up anything and most times I didn't try the outfit on I LOVE THOSE DAYS. My drive this time is to become smaller for my wedding next year. I want to be a knock out for myself, but I know without supportive people around me I will fall off the wagon. Sometime I feel that no one can relate to me especially when I go to do exercise. My back aches, my ankles want to give out but I push myself to run and walk around a park. This is my first week in and my fiance' has been there walking each step with me. I am trying to eat right but it is extremely hard. It's so tough that at my job there is a vending machine (snacks & sodas) right outside of my office door. But I am trying to stay strong and do right by my body.
  • Good for you! Keep on walking by the vending machine and soon you won't even remember it's there! Good luck, hope you reach your goal!!
  • Welcome!

    Maybe make sure you don't have cash for the vending machine and pack a ton of easy satisfying snacks for when the machine is calling your name.

    I pack hummus w/ veggie crisps (from Costco), string cheese, beef jerky sticks, grapes, dried apricots, granola bars, meal replacement bars, apples, bananas, microwave popcorn. I make sure I have choices, so I can satisfy my craving in a healthy way. And sometimes I just go for the junk food, but then I have to count it into my daily calories.

    Best wishes, you can do it!
  • Hi and welcome to 3FC.

    Good luck with your goals
