Any takers?

  • I need an accountability buddy. I can't keep on track by myself, I know that sounds awful, but it's just not working.

    Any takers?
  • I'm on email most of the day, I could talk you off a ledge if you need it
  • Hey,

    Thank you! That's so kind of you.
  • I'm here too, almost every day...and I check my personal email ALL THE TIME!! lol if you PM me, it'll notify me when ya do...or you can send it directly to my yahoo (if ya want, I'll give you that acct. also)

    What part of PA are you from?? I'm from Fairmont, WV (near Morgantown) but now live in Nashville. Lived in Philly prior to moving down here.
  • sure message me whenever you need its no bother plus i totally understand going it alone is tough as ****
  • Feel free to private message me also.
  • Thank you, everybody. You're all so kind.
  • Hey Ladies!

    I absolutely feel the same way, i need someone to talk to so i can be accountable....i know my dog isnt going to talk me out of eating a piece of chocolate!

    I was wondering, would you ladies be interested in being accountable and chatting via email? I always have my email open and its easier to get notifications that way.

    Let me know what you think! =)
  • Hey kneed2lose, I sent you a PM with my email.