+ 2 lbs; - 3 inches

  • The title sort of says it all.

    I know we all bow to the scale, and I know we all KNOW it isn't an accurate measurement of what we do, but I also know we all need frequent and concrete evidence of exactly that.

    I have gained two pounds that have been hanging on over the past couple weeks. I thought they'd go away, but they have not. However, I have also lost three inches from my waist these past two weeks, and probably the hips and thighs as evidenced by my pants.

  • Arrgh... that sounds like what happened to me last month. But losing inches is AWESOME! I gained four pounds and kept them on for 2 weeks, then, when they magically disappeared, I had a smaller, firmer body underneath.
  • thanks for sharing this. I have a feeling that I'm doing to have a small gain this Monday when I weigh, and I was worried about it. But I'm going to just keep plugging along and know that the number will go down over time.
  • A good reminder that we should measure consistantly... I know I put too much stock into what my scale tells me every morning. *Stupid scale!*
  • Congrats, Eliana! I think we put waaay too much emphasis on the scale. Weight fluctuates throughout the day, but inches really don't. That you're down 3 inches and your jeans are fitting better= success!! You probably gained two pounds of muscle, which will help you burn even more