updated "after plastics" pic...6 months out

  • I put the new, updated, 6-months-out "before and after abdominoplasty" pic on as my profile pic! Click on my avatar and have a look. Again, it’s a bit graphic!

    OHHHHHH I remember the pain!!! I will never forget that, but I am glad I didn't know...the results are still getting better and better!

  • Wow, that is an amazing difference. I know you are satisfied with the results. I am considering having this done after the weight loss and this has pretty much made up my mind. I know it will not be painless but the outcome will be worth it.
  • Oh honey!! It hurts!! Like you just don't know...I won't have anything else done because of the pain! Know what you're getting into and know that you will HAVE to take the full 8 weeks off of life...not just work. Its harder then any thing I have ever been through but I am glad, now that its over and done, that I didn't know what the pain was...I'm almost glad I did it.
  • Ange, It looks pretty darn good! If I ever win the lottery..........LOL!!
  • Quote: Oh honey!! It hurts!! Like you just don't know...I won't have anything else done because of the pain! Know what you're getting into and know that you will HAVE to take the full 8 weeks off of life...not just work. Its harder then any thing I have ever been through but I am glad, now that its over and done, that I didn't know what the pain was...I'm almost glad I did it.
    Really? I had a consult with a surgeon a while back about a full abdominoplasty and he was talking about 2 weeks out of work.

    I've had two c-sections, so I've been sliced and stitched all the way down to my uterus, so maybe he thinks I'd have an easier time with recovery? Or because I'd have much less skin to cut out?
  • you look fabulous!
  • Quote: Really? I had a consult with a surgeon a while back about a full abdominoplasty and he was talking about 2 weeks out of work.

    I've had two c-sections, so I've been sliced and stitched all the way down to my uterus, so maybe he thinks I'd have an easier time with recovery? Or because I'd have much less skin to cut out?

    I'm sure any abdominal work is painful because we have to use this huge muscle group to do just about anything. I had a cut from hip to hip which is larger then one for a C-section but also from pubic bone to stirnum to remove the most skin possible because of the extent of loose skin I had. Basicly, I have the front of me removed and the sides pulled in to cover the wound AND THEN had the basic tummy tuck by pulling the skin down and having the extra removed.

    They told me I would feel better in 4 weeks and then back to normal in 8-10 weeks. I followed that almost to the day. at 4 weeks I was about 75% and back to normal in about 8 weeks or so.

    it hurt....

  • Wow its beautiful! That tiny scar will fade to nothing its so small already. And, I love that your doc knew where to put the belly button. Perfect. I have seen them in less perfect places, like too high...yours is wonderful!
  • Thanks Babysteps, it like it too...I haven't had one since I was 8! hehehe He did a great job.
  • Quote: I'm sure any abdominal work is painful because we have to use this huge muscle group to do just about anything. I had a cut from hip to hip which is larger then one for a C-section but also from pubic bone to stirnum to remove the most skin possible because of the extent of loose skin I had. Basicly, I have the front of me removed and the sides pulled in to cover the wound AND THEN had the basic tummy tuck by pulling the skin down and having the extra removed.

    They told me I would feel better in 4 weeks and then back to normal in 8-10 weeks. I followed that almost to the day. at 4 weeks I was about 75% and back to normal in about 8 weeks or so.

    it hurt....
    Thanks for the clarification! I'm really interested in a tummy tuck in the future. I've lost a fair amount of weight and expect to be be down about 50 pounds by the time I'm ready for the tuck. I see a lot of improvement in the tummy area, but because of the c-section, I have a permanent muffin top, no matter how much weight I lose and how much I tone the midsection. It's frustrating.

    You look great at six months out!
  • That looks really good, you are ready for that bathing suit missy!!! Now don't go getting fast on me.
  • fast? me? nah....I'm as slow as they come! hehehehe I am kind of looking forward to shopping for a bathing suit...don't think I have EVER said that before!