Ugh... Binge disaster.

  • I haven't fallen off the wagon much this time around on the life-style change but today was awful!

    I ate birthday cake at lunch and then 2 cupcakes at a friends birthday dinner along with chips and dip and appetizers galore! Ugh.

    My major issue is, unlike some of the lucky people I have read here, all this stuff tasted AWESOME and didn't make me feel sick or bloated or anything. I wish it did. I don't crave it but I sure as **** miss it. I know I need to buckle down and make up for this lapse tomorrow but I just feel so lousy with myself for today. It tasted fracking fantastic though...
  • Don't feel bad, you enjoyed it and as long as you get back on track tomorrow very little damage was done.
  • I's ok to enjoy something sometimes and not beat yourself up over it. Like you said, you'll make up for it tomorrow.
  • Dont beat your self up .. and that to me isnt a binge! lol...... I used to binge and it was .... awful! one day it will taste not the same.. one day you might not even want it!
  • I just did the same thing with some leftover easter candy. I did not have any and then today, whoops. I just decided I can't go back, I'm going to just work out extra tomorrow and eat on plan from now on.
  • okay, so you don't feel bloated or sick, but you did feel lousy. And so next time you crave all that stuff, remember how you feel right now, and ask yourself do you want to feel that way again?

    you'll feel so proud of yourself when you pass over those cravings.
  • Hah! That was like the warm up round of my day-long binge disaster a few weeks ago. Brownies, cookies, chips and dip all day at work, then who knows how many rice krispy treats, a cupcake, cheesecake, appetizers etc at a party later. It was my only binge since I started in October, and the feelings of guilt and being out of control are the worst. I'm like you, I don't necessarily have constant cravings, but once I got those tastes in my mouth, I couldn't stop myself! It was a scary feeling to realize how much power food still has over me.

    But even with my HUGE disaster, my weight went back to normal after two or three days. Hide the scale if you're a daily weigher, you'll most likely retain water and that'll be discouraging. But it's not "real" weight.
  • Quote: Hah! That was like the warm up round of my day-long binge disaster a few weeks ago. Brownies, cookies, chips and dip all day at work, then who knows how many rice krispy treats, a cupcake, cheesecake, appetizers etc at a party later. It was my only binge since I started in October, and the feelings of guilt and being out of control are the worst. I'm like you, I don't necessarily have constant cravings, but once I got those tastes in my mouth, I couldn't stop myself! It was a scary feeling to realize how much power food still has over me.

    But even with my HUGE disaster, my weight went back to normal after two or three days. Hide the scale if you're a daily weigher, you'll most likely retain water and that'll be discouraging. But it's not "real" weight.
    This is exactly how it has been for me!

    I have not had many binges (maybe 2 or 3 since April 2009) but they were pretty awful. Lets just say a bag of funyuns and salt and vinegar chips were invovled

    After one of them I actually lost weight but the others I went back to eating normally as soon as I got my nom noms under control and my weight normalized within a few days

    So long as you don't throw in the towel from a small set back this is not a failure!
  • Hey, it happens... Pick up where you left off. One day of slip ups isn't going to make you gain back all your weight but a year of them might . We all make mistakes so it's time to look forward and learn from it.