Got my lab work back.

  • My Drs office nurse called me and she said they are definitely thinking I have pcos because they just got my lab results. They said my testosterone is too high. I have to wait several weeks to go back because my Dr will be out of town.
    But at least I am getting answers now. They are going to do a fasting glucose test again too.
    Now, It'll be the middle of April when I go back so I'll probably be able to lose 5-8lbs by then I think. I wonder if that would improve my insulin at all.
    I WANT to get on medication though, because I think the reason why I have such a hard time losing is because of all of this.

    So, glad to get some answers..
  • answers are always nice to have. hopefully they figure it all out for you
  • Me too! Thanks. I also can't wait until I get this dreaded period to stop. I had a break but now it's going back on again, it's like a 70+ day period now! Ugh!

    Usually I say no to meds and pills but this is the one time in my life I just want relief from all of this.
  • I was on metformin to help me lose weight and to help the insulin levels. I have PCOS really bad. I have extermely painful periods that are heavy and no sense of consistency. I have facial hair growth too. Anyway, the metformin didn't help me with the weightloss. In fact, I gained on it. It might help you lose the weight, but if it doesn't at least you are getting treated for it.

    My insulin levels when down from the pre-diabtic range to the normal (82). I was on a diet for three months and it fell that much. Anyway, they took me off the metformin since it wasn't helping for weight loss and because my insulin levels were normal.
  • Did the metformin have any side effects? That would be great if I can level out my blood sugars just by losing weight.

    But I have to ask the question, do i have problems with my weight because of the pcos? Or do I have pcos because of my weight? It's really hard for me to lose.
  • Depending on what you read, PCOS causes IR or IR causes PCOS. I haven't seen anything definitive yet.

    But having IR can lead to crazy weight issues.

    I'm right there with ya!

  • Yeah, I am not sure which can cause the other. I think I had PCOS before I was obese. My periods have always been terrible. I can remember being in high school and worrying about how many times a day I could go to the rest room without seeming weird. I can remember other girls not being in as much pain as me or having such a difficult time with periods.

    I don't know the side effects. I just know for myself it really didn't help. A healthy diet and exercise has helped more. However, every body is different. It might work wonderfully with yours and help you lose some more weight. I just didn't want you to be disappointed if it didn't help with the weight loss.

    And, if I remember correctly when I first started it my stomach got really upset for a few days.
  • As my mom can vouch for me, I've never had normal periods since I was 11.. and I was in the greatest shape of my life in my early teens, REALLY athletic and into sports.. and not one stinkin' normal period.
    I was always at the nurses station because I'd bleed so heavy in huge gushes my pants would be soaked with blood!
    For awhile I had to go to school wearing diaper type things, can you imagine? That's how heavy my periods were. In middle school I was so scared to stand up, because everytime I did I had a huge gush. My periods would last 6 months to a year.
    Also, In all my pictures I had a jacket tied around my waist to conceal any stains from leaks. I have horrible childhood memories because of my stupid period!

    Bottom line, I just think I've had issues forever.. and it sucks so bad. Would not wish this in anyone! And I wasn't fat at all then, so for me I think it couldn't of caused it.
  • PCOS can resist in an atypical form without IR, too...I have full-out PCOS, before losing weight and after, and I'm not insulin resistant (which is why I don't take insulin resistance).