When will we learn?

  • Hi My name is Sue, I have lost a huge amount of weight 2 times, once when I was about 17 and then again when I was 37. I kept the weight off untill my second set of twins, I lost the weight with in a year and was in the best shape of my life!
    Well about 8 years ago I became very sick, I was put on predisone! I took that for like a year or so, I lost all my muscle and gained a lot of weight.
    I am now after a year of just trying to get some muscle back seeing actual progress! Bulid muscle lose fat!! And I am feeling great!! Within the next couple months I will be at my goal weight!
  • Hello
    what are you doing to lose the weight ?
  • Well what I know works for me is lifting weights, that builds your muscles first, then when you workout *cardio* you burn fat and calories like crazy! It will take about 6 weeks to get enough muscle mass, drink protein whey before and after your sessions! I know for a fact that this works, you will have energy right through the roof!