My blog isn't publishing today's post

  • I'm having trouble posting on my blog ; it keeps saving the post , but not publishing. (previous post was in January) Not sure why, but I've attempted about 5 times to post... worried that links are screwy, or something . What should I do?
  • I looked and I see several posts dated 3/24.
  • Thanks for checking ! Very odd, if I click my link to my blog, I don't see any of the entries,( though I now know that every attempt I made, I was adding extra entries). Maybe my links are bad. Still, I'm not sure how to remedy.....
  • I see them too, including the extra ones you posted. I think it's your browser caching the old page, so you don't see the updated one. If you clear your browser cache you should be able to see it. Also you might want to update your browser settings so it doesn't cache the pages and always displays the latest info anywhere.

    Hope that helps
  • Quote: I see them too, including the extra ones you posted. I think it's your browser caching the old page, so you don't see the updated one. If you clear your browser cache you should be able to see it. Also you might want to update your browser settings so it doesn't cache the pages and always displays the latest info anywhere.

    Hope that helps
    I am just going to my blog from the 3fc blog site, clicking the "admin" link, then the "write post" link. It saves the post, but when I click the "view site" from the administration page (where I write) it goes to a blog , not including the latest post.

    Very odd indeed. I don't know of any other way (and don't know what you mean by caching and updating browser setting. Oh no.... ) Thank you though !!!

    I was able to go into the edit posts function, and delete excess posts of the same.
  • having the same problem
    I am sooooo frustrated too!
  • iwilllose, if you click the link to your blog you won't see any entries because the link is not correct. The reason is you listed your blog name as Barbara when it's actually barbara in lower case letters. The blog names are case sensitive. If you change it to all lower case, it will display your blog correctly. Though keep in mind that the current entry there is marked private so only you can see it.

    To change this, go to your UserCP in the purple menu bar above and go to edit your profile. Change Barbara to barbara in the diet blog link area and that should take care of it
  • Not trying to troll, feel free to remove this afterwards but, I need help, I don't know how to post a new blog, or veiw my profile, I'm new...

    Or I dont know how to look at quick links... Or... check my messages.... O_O